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These are the most common mistakes in first aid

Это самые распространенные ошибки при оказании первой помощиWounds that cannot be watered with iodine, and the frostbitten skin – rubbing.

1. Burns it is impossible to smear with oil
The oil creates on the wound film, the greenhouse effect, oxygen has no access to the burn, the wound will not heal and the pain will only intensify.
It is best to cool the burnt spot. All depends on the severity and size of burn. Small you can just substitute the cold water.

There is a good “grandma’s” recipe for the treatment of minor “kitchen” burns — just spread soap. Soap is a lye burn — acid reaction.

The alkali absorbs the acid, the neutralization reaction takes place, and the pain weakens, and the bladder may not inflate.
Serious burns to the skin damage you need to handle cool water, apply on the wound with a clean sterile dressing (NOT cotton WOOL), and go to the emergency room.

Many people use burns panthenol. They come in creams, ointments and foam. For burn, only foam, because it provides the access of oxygen to the wound.

2. An open wound is not watered with iodine and brilliant green
The composition of any alcohol, iodine, brilliant green — on the wound creates a deep chemical burn that will be a long time to heal and may leave a scar.
To disinfect the wound, use hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and on top apply a clean gauze bandage.
Iodine and brilliant green is ideal for minor scratches.

3. Frostbite do not RUB

If you long to be in the cold, some parts of the body may freeze and turn white — ears, cheeks, fingers. The first thing we do, we begin to RUB the whitened place. This is wrong! Hypothermia occurs vasospasm, the blood flow in this area is getting worse, and then completely stops.
Vessels become “brittle” and rubbing frozen skin causes skin microtrauma, breaking, damaged. In the worst case, rubbing can lead to necrosis of the frozen skin.
If frostbitten ears, fingers (arms, legs), you need to get away from the cold, warm up gradually — it is better to let the very “thaw” in a warm room. Definitely warm inside, BUT in any case NOT ALCOHOL, and hot tea, preferably sweet.

4. Have chills and fever? Do not wrap!

When we have a fever, impaired thermoregulation. And hot body gets cold, because the difference in body temperature and room temperature increases. There is a feeling of chill, it seems that we freeze.
Just want to bundle up under two blankets, dress warmly, hugging a hot water bottle. But if in this moment to start hard to keep warm, have hot bodies will not be able to cool down the temperature.
Contrary to the experience you will need to open up, to put a cold wet handkerchief to his forehead, and on the advice of a doctor to drink antipyretic drugs.

5. Choked — not to slam

Choked? Come on Pat! This method of first aid is contrary to logic and can seriously worsen the situation, if the person is choked. The victim breathes some foreign object, and the best thing at this point — cough.
But if at this time a Pat on the back, the object that choked the victim, only to slip deeper into the respiratory tract!
With cough and sharp exhalations man pushes garbage out, so it is best if you just choked, slightly lean forward and take some strong breaths, gently and slowly inhaling air (sharp breaths can only worsen the situation).
If the person is not just choked and choked and unable to breathe (i.e. a foreign object clogged the Airways), he needs help. The victim should be tilted forward, can be moved using the back of a chair, and make a few sharp moving towards the neck, as if embossing a foreign object.

6. The nose is not warm

If the nose firmly laid, “Babushkin” method — applying heat to the nose — warm hard-boiled egg, a bag with heated buckwheat, etc.
Such warming is dangerous! When a runny nose is strong, the vessels are dilated. Nose started swelling, and this swelling heat will only increase.
The heating may lead to violation of the outflow of mucus, the paranasal sinuses develops an inflammation that may in the worst case even lead to meningitis.
Vessels have to narrow it down — that’s what makes him drops.

7. No heat to the injury

Sprain, contusion, dislocation — all of these injuries are accompanied by swelling of tissues. In any case, you can not apply a heating pad to the site of injury. This will only increase swelling and pain.
To limit movement, apply ice, and try as quickly as possible to get to the emergency room.

8. If bleeding from the nose, do not throw back his head

Do not lean back. Thus you do not stop the bleeding, but only change the direction of the blood going to the nose and throat, in the stomach, which may cause bloody vomit. And yet, if all the blood will go into the stomach, in case of hospitalization, the doctor will not be able to determine how much blood you lost.
Sit up straight, leaning forward slightly. Put in a nostril (or nostrils) swab with hydrogen peroxide, apply cold to the nose.

9. Alcohol – no anesthesia

Alcohol — do people “anesthetic”. It reduces sensitivity. And if a person has a trauma, it is very dangerous. More allows the victim to make unnecessary movements, thus often helping. From alcohol, the person feels no pain so clearly, begins to move, often aggravating my injuries.
Yes, and the doctor with a drunken patient difficult patient can not accurately describe his condition and his feelings. In addition, many painkillers and other medications not compatible with alcohol.

10. Potassium permanganate is a dangerous drug

Even grandma fed us potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. Kind of like kill the infection from within. But you need to remember that potassium permanganate is a cluster of microcrystallites. They, when dissolved in water gives it its pink color. The more crystals, the darker and richer solution.

The problem is that the crystals do not dissolve till the end (Till the end only when boiled). After complete dissolution need to pass the solution of potassium permanganate through a good filter — for example, through several layers of cheesecloth. Otherwise, getting on the mucous membrane of the stomach, a small crystal of manganese could cause serious chemical burns.

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