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Cheap vodka — all, everywhere and always

Дешевую водку — всем, везде и всегда


The Ministry of industry and trade proposes to halve the minimum price of vodka from the current 195 to 100 rubles per half liter. According to officials, this will reduce the share of illegal alcohol in the market from 30% to 10-20%.

The Ministry has released a special report, which includes quite interesting insights. It turns out that “the consumption of alcohol per capita is not a significant factor for the health of the nation, public morality and morals” and “mortality and life expectancy do not depend on the volumes of per capita alcohol consumption”.

Accordingly, the current state policy aimed at reducing alcohol consumption, just doesn’t make sense, and it is necessary to refuse. “The main problem lies in the culture and conditions of use, as well as in the habits of consumers. The safest form and the culture of consumption — normal regular alcohol consumption is a no-frills, mostly weak drinks (wine and beer), with a high proportion of consumption in cafés and restaurants (catering),” write the officials of the Ministry.

Simultaneously with the decline in the price of alcohol drinks is offered “to remove the excess and unjustified limitation on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, in particular, on the sale of alcohol near medical and sports institutions. And it is proposed to significantly simplify obtaining licences outlets, to allow the sale of wine and beer in the tents.

But how many will benefit the country, if you start to drink more, though legal alcohol?

The head of the Center of researches Federal and regional alcohol markets Vadim Drobiz believes that drinking more will not be and so less poisoning, it is necessary to make alcohol much cheaper:

— In the West on the Dole can buy 200 bottles of vodka, and we have only 20, so by reducing the price of sleeping people can’t. We drink like the European Union, approximately 13 liters of pure alcohol per capita. And drinking more won’t, and so to the limit.

We have three segments of the alcohol market. First — legal — was established only in 2016, with the completion of the system implementation of EGAIS in retail network. Now we have closed manufacturers, wholesalers and retail outlets. In 2015 sell a billion liters of vodka, of which 250 million were illegal. The system yegais expelled from the market of illegal immigrants. In stores vodka costs from 200 rubles and more.

The second sector of the market of illegal vodka for 100 rubles. Last year it produced legal plants, this year shut down over a hundred such plants. But until now, companies operating including “left”, give 200 million liters. On them and directed the proposal of the Ministry of industry and trade.

If the price drops to 100, then any consumption growth is not. Just 200 million liters will merge with a billion legitimate, and we get 1200 million litres of legal alcoholic beverages.

But to cut the price to 100 rubles, will have to reduce the excise duty four times to about 25-30 rubles per bottle. This state in the conditions of crisis will not go. But the General line is correct — to win the illegal market economically.


If you close illegal plants, will start a cottage industry. People are not going to spend twice as much as they can. People need a certain amount of alcohol, they have a certain amount of money. And so is born the price of illegal products.

There is also a surrogate sector. Pharmacy tincture, lotions, cleaning products — a total of approximately 450 million liters per year. If you convert 40 degrees, half-liter costs 50 rubles. To do here anything it is impossible. In civilized countries the problem is solved by the creation of legal strong alcohol for each category of citizens. And no one drinks more, the instinct of self-preservation.

“SP”: — So the main goal is to make the nation sober.

— To reduce alcohol consumption, it is necessary to improve the quality of life. If you have money, then there are interests. Do we have prospects? Well, will enhance a pension and a salary in 5 thousand roubles. What?

For example, in the regions 15 thousand clean — it’s a good salary, of which a thousand person spends on alcohol. Well, threw it to drink, brought his wife not 14 thousand, and all 15 thousand. What will change radically in his life? Nothing.

About future generations, let’s think later. Our objective is to reduce the consumption of today. But quality of life must be different. We drink no more than Europe, but many are addicted to the substitute, illegal drinks, and this is a big problem.

Head of medical programs of Fund “No to alcoholism and drugs” narcologist Sergey Polyatykin strongly disagree with these arguments:

— The arguments of the Ministry of industry and trade, in my opinion, completely immoral. This is the first. Secondly, they are without any scientific justification. Thirdly, the proposals of the Ministry are contrary to the alcohol strategy of the President.

In the Second Pirogov Congress of Russian physicians in 1913 have been scientifically proven to harm the large consumption of alcohol. It has been scientifically proven that every ruble that falls to the Treasury in the form of excise taxes, brings loss of a few rubles.

View alcohol strategy of the European Union 1970-ies. There the same conclusion: to fight the effects of alcohol consumption takes five times more money than can be obtained when selling.

“SP”: — But it is possible to generate a certain culture of consumption.

— It would be good if the international experience is not talked about. It is no coincidence that in the UK severely limited the number of points of sale of alcoholic beverages, increased prices.

The experience of many countries shows that there is a stratum of the population which, because of stereotypes, social and cultural conditions can consume alcohol in large doses.

How will we fat people for overeating, diabetics because of the abundance of cheap sugar, and will remain so. Similarly, there will be drunkards — because of social and genetic backgrounds. And if we add to this cheap, easily accessible alcohol, there will be trouble.

Not necessarily the person to become an alcoholic. Permanent large consumption of alcohol leads to various somatic diseases. In 1990-ies in Moscow, the scientists studies showed that up to 50% of patients presenting with acute illnesses to the ambulance, acquired their disease due to chronic alcohol consumption in large doses.

I do not exclude that in the Ministry there is a strong alcohol lobby, which is trying to influence some members of the government. We sometimes hear, as a pool of Ministers half a day discussing whether or not to allow the production of vodka in liter plastic bottles. As a result, all can see that none of the projects not developed at all.

I think that will correct the situation, the introduction of the state monopoly on alcohol production. Or you can organize competitions, to two-three-four big monopoly owned the right to have such production.

“SP”: — they Say that if you don’t reduce the price, will buy lotions, to make moonshine and sell vodka to bypass the excise tax. And so taxes can be collected, and people are not poisoned. Who wants today to find how cheap to drink.

— You can replace “alcohol” with “drugs”, and arguments will look as sensible and seems to have nothing to say. But this pseudologica.

First, with regard to surrogates. A substitute for ethyl alcohol is methyl alcohol, but selling it is a crime.

In General, from the point of view of state interests, do not care what alcohol you drink. Whether expensive vodka or alcohol, mixed in the tub with tap water. In equal amounts, they would be of equal harm. The same brew, according to research by our scientists, not the more poisonous than ethyl alcohol.

From the point of view of expenses for treatment of abuse, we don’t care what people drink. The main thing that people drank less.

People will drink less if alcohol will be more expensive, and sober life will be cheaper and more interesting. Relatively speaking, the soccer ball should cost less liters of beer. Teens didn’t take the beer and cigarettes and went to “hang out” on the shore of the river, and drove for the field goal.

In our minds we want to combine the stereotype of a successful life and so-called “relaxation” associated with alcohol. And than, they say, the more alcohol you drink, the more you are a successful person.

And it is necessary to form another stereotype: a successful man does not need any chemical stimulators. Successful need a healthy body, good friends, loving family, many children, good and interesting job, good income, own house, opportunity to travel. And the ability to consume not some “drinks”, and to contemplate great works of art. That’s what the image needs to be formed.

Alcohol and tobacco should be in the consciousness somewhere far away. As a kind of ritual thing. For example, it is customary at the funeral of a man to drink 100 ml of vodka, but it’s just a custom, a ritual, not a part of everyday life.

It is clear who formed the stereotype, the so will be to drink alcohol of any kind. But there must be a strategy for many years to come. Our objective is to grow several generations, for whom alcohol is not a part of life, will not be readily available.

Compared with the situation ten years ago, it is now much better. There is no longer the drunken crowds with beer in the metro. The limitations associated with reducing the time of the sale of alcohol and places it is legal to use, has led to the fact that people have cultural and drink. Began to drink more among the friends at home and in restaurants, at least in major cities. Let’s not talk about depressing little city, but in major cities there is a positive trend. We need to keep doing it.

It is necessary to reduce the number of alcohol-containing household goods, there is no need. Who will wipe the face of cheap lotion when there are effective drugs with minimal alcohol content?

In General, gentlemen of the Ministry of industry and trade have to remember that there’s alcohol strategy of the President, and nothing you try to change it.

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