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Misconceptions and myths about first aid

Заблуждения и мифы о первой помощиWhat not to do in assisting the victim.

If you are not sure you know the rules of first aid, do not touch the child until the Ambulance.

Better to do nothing than to do wrong and more harm.

In the summer the most frequent Emergency calls for children are for injuries. Doctors say the parents before the arrival of doctors doing things wrong. As necessary, experts tell emergency.

“Fortunately, we haven’t had accidents with fishers of pokemon, as in other countries, rasskazyvate senior pediatrician of the Moscow Ambulance station Andrii prylypko. – Yes, and played in a smartphone does not fall into the hatches. Traditional trauma: falling off a swing and bikes, drowning in the waters, upset at myself pots of boiling water… What is remarkable: in the summer holidays, when, apparently, children under the supervision of their parents, and the injury is not getting smaller.

What to do with head trauma

Most often, the children traumatized mind — after falls, bumps the ball. Most injuries occur in school age. The kids are protected from such injuries due to the anatomical features. The bones of the skull are still soft, supple. Upon impact it compresses, damp on the surface of the brain, thus mitigating the impact. To five years the bone plateout, and amortization, alas, ends.

With any head injury it is first necessary to put the hurt place cold. Common parental concerns that it can cause colds and even meningitis, no more than a myth. You’re not going to cool the head around the clock? But in 20-30 minutes the child is not cold, but a cold compress will help relieve swelling and to avoid development of a hematoma.

Next – act, depending on the condition of the child. Vomiting or nausea after hitting his head – indeed the signs of a concussion. But not the only one. The child may neurona want to sleep or suddenly abandon the games, complain of a headache or feel sudden fatigue.

But even if the child is still alert and active, still some time after the injury he needs to play quiet games. And you observe his condition. Signs of concussion may not appear immediately after the injury, and during the day.

But nosebleeds can be a symptom of concussion, and mean that the child has a weak blood vessels. In this case also it is necessary to put a cold on the nose is spazmiruet vessels and stop the bleeding. The head does not throw back, otherwise the blood at the posterior wall of the nasopharynx will drain to the larynx and thence into the respiratory tract or the stomach. It could trigger vomiting.

If nose was bleeding, seat of the child and tilt his head down to his chest. To stop the bleeding, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. But this should be done very carefully – literally one drop in each nostril. Sometimes parents fear literally pour the drops into the nasal passages, that will do more harm than good: overdose can cause bradycardia (very low heart rate) and lowering blood pressure.

A fracture or sprain?

Significantly this can only be determined by x-ray. Edema at the injury, severe pain, loss of consciousness when falling – all of which can be at fracture, tensile, and even with severe injury. Exactly the same as what the child can wiggle the fingers on the injured hand, does not exclude that it is broken.

It happens that the child fell out of a tree and all the bones were intact. And can fall from the edge of the sandbox and break an arm. It all depends on the force of impact and angle of incidence.

The younger children are often broken-not even the bone itself and the periosteum – a fibrous sheath over the bone. The symptoms are very similar to a bruise – well hurts this place, there was a bruise. Meanwhile, even when the fracture of the periosteum required a plaster, otherwise the bone will heal incorrectly.

So in any case of injury to the hands or feet put on the injured place cold (as in the case of a head injury to reduce swelling and prevent the development of hematoma), fix the elastic bandage to secure the peace. And during the day find an opportunity to do x-rays.

Brilliant green and iodine to smear wounds not!

The wound is first necessary to wash to clean away dirt, pieces of asphalt, earth, sand. Process it is best gauze pad soaked with hydrogen peroxide. It does not burn the wound, cleans and stops the bleeding, and therefore must be in the home medicine Cabinet. If peroxide is not available, use a solution of chlorhexidine, Miramistin, or rinse the wound with plain soap.

Iodine and brilliant green, the wound is not treated they can cause irritation on damaged skin and even burn. They can only lubricate the skin around the wound to prevent infection.

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot treat an open wound with an antibacterial powder or ointment – so you will delay the healing process. They are used only if the wound festered, and inflammation.

So just wash the wound and impose on it a sterile dressing. From the usual bandages give up – they will stick to the moist wound, and to tear off their will with blood and tears. Best buy in a drugstore special dressings or plasters. They provide an aseptic seal, which prevents adhesion.

If the wound is deep, a child is injured by a rusty object or glass, in the wound, the scratch of dirt in any of these cases, it is necessary to go to the emergency room. You might need a tetanus shot or antibiotics.

By the WAY

A rating of parental delusions

From time to time caring moms and dads waiting for the Ambulance to do the exact opposite.

1. Better nothing than wrong

If you are not sure you know the rules of first aid, do not touch the child until the Ambulance. Better to do nothing than to do wrong and more harm.

2. Don’t put “back”

Most mistakes adults make when a child fell and injured his back. It is not necessary to turn, to move on a flat surface, even something to put under the back. The best thing is to wait for the Ambulance.

3. No spoons

If your child has had a seizure, he doesn’t need to shove in his mouth for a spoon, he didn’t bite my tongue. Most often these actions end in injury of the teeth or bite hands helping. Turn child on side and put him under her soft and call “fast”.

4. Not to warm!

Forget about warming alcohol compresses on the ears and a warm heating pad on your stomach. Heat can trigger further development of purulent and inflammatory processes.

5. Water dehydration will not help

Parents learned that vomiting and diarrhea is dehydration. But bad learned what to unsolder the child should not plain water, and lightly salted or a special alkaline solution (sold in pharmacies in powder, ready for breeding) to restore water-salt balance. Plain water will only cause further vomiting.

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