Home / Oil / The US in pursuit of cheap oil ruined the environment. Greenpeace is silent

The US in pursuit of cheap oil ruined the environment. Greenpeace is silent

США в погоне за дешевой нефтью угробили экологию. Гринпис молчит

Very common to see foreign news messages of various international environmental organizations about the importance to protect nature and the environment.
Nature and environment, however, protect only where it is possible to use this for political motives.

The most striking example of the action of environmental organizations in Russia – the Arctic Sunrise case and the attack on the Prirazlomnaya platform. Under the guise of protection, Greenpeace staged a provocation directed, and paid for that.

But in America, Greenpeace is not such a conscious. Apparently, the gentlemen of the “green” don’t bite the hand of the giver and for six years, prefer to ignore the fact that the U.S. government has given 1 thousand permits for oil production precingular method. For those who don’t know, fracking – directional hydraulic impact shale oil. The main danger of this method – the subsequent collapses of the soil and the penetration of chemical solutions into the drinking water.

Enough for Greenpeace? More than.

But Greenpeace is silent and does not send fanatics to stop this activity. The U.S. government and Greenpeace – brothers forever, so everyone prefers to ignore the faults of another.

USA spoils the environment, destroy flora and fauna, and Greenpeace in this time strikes another object, for political purposes, but claiming environmental. These are the realities of youth volunteering.

According to the BBC, during the reign of Barack Obama, the damage to nature was caused, more than in terms of presidentsthe the previous chapters of America combined.

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