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The seeds of this fruit can be deadly

Косточки этого фрукта могут быть смертельно опаснымиThe use of from 10 to 15 bones can lead to serious side effects.

Lately apricot pits were considered a panacea for many diseases and even used as alternative cancer treatment.

But now us scientists have warned that apricot pits contain high levels of toxic chemicals cyanide and can be deadly. Experts urge people to avoid the use of apricot seeds, as in extreme cases it can lead to death.

According to doctors, consumption of 10 to 15 bones can lead to serious side effects, such as numbness of the fingers, while a dose of 30 seeds is enough to kill a man.

According to the study by the European authority for food safety (EFSA), adults may exceed a safe level of cyanide in the body by eating only half of a large apricot.

On the web websites promoting alternative cancer treatment, it is reported that nutrients in apricot seeds, such as vitamin B17, can help prevent the spread of the tumor. It is also claimed that consumption of 10 to 12 apricot seeds per day – almost half of the lethal dose – can prevent cancer.

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