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Named most useful cheap product

Назван самый полезный дешевый продуктDoctors told which of cheap products is the most useful.

Pumpkin seeds are not less useful than the pumpkin, from which they are derived.

Useful vitamins and minerals in pumpkin seeds. The pumpkin seeds and lots of vitamins and minerals: there is Niacin and folic acid, other b vitamins, vitamins a, C, D and K in small amounts, but most in vitamin E – “vitamin of youth” and effective antioxidant.

Two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds (28 grams) contains 125 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates (including 0 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fiber) and 5 grams of protein, and 5% of your daily needs for iron. Pumpkin seeds are a source of magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium.

Pumpkin seeds for digestion and a healthy GI tract

We all know that raw pumpkin seeds are one of the most common folk remedies against parasites – with their help, the people always get rid of the worms. Pumpkin seeds are a great remedy for constipation. When consumed after a meal, it is possible to improve the functioning of the stomach and the entire digestive tract.

Contained in the seeds nutrients have a slight diuretic and laxative effect and helps with bloating and can even rid the body of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. Fiber helps normalize blood sugar levels – so due to diabetes mellitus pumpkin seeds, be sure to include in the diet.

The use of pumpkin seeds for the cardiovascular system

The fat component of pumpkin seeds is a high quality vegetable oil, which mainly consist of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids – low molecular weight compounds. Due to this, pumpkin seeds excrete excess cholesterol and improve the nutrition of the heart muscle.

The combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants and dietary fiber reduces the risk of thrombosis and arrhythmias, which are the causes of heart attacks and strokes.

Pumpkin seeds are beneficial for men’s health

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc and magnesium, and these minerals have a positive effect on the prostate gland, normalizes metabolic processes, improve microcirculation, provide regular production and excretion of prostate secretion. In a more detailed study of pumpkin seed has been allocated a biologically active substance Delta-7-serine, which is:

is a substrate for building male sex hormones (androgen and testosterone);

anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

Well as Delta-7-serine eliminates congestion in the bladder, promotes better excretion of urine that is almost always found in chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds?

Not “can” and “need”! By and large, pumpkin seeds as well as vitamins and minerals, are a great help in strengthening the immune system. And since pregnancy is often associated with a decrease female immune system, then this product will be very opportunely.

The use of pumpkin seeds during pregnancy in the fact that they help expectant mothers to escape from heartburn, normalize bowel movements, and reduce the risk of infectious diseases. In addition, sunflower seeds are lifesaving tool for some pregnant women and early toxicity.

How to enter pumpkin seeds in the diet

It is clear that to nibble sunflower seeds, for aesthetic reasons, not everyone likes. It is worth saying that to eat better raw, not roasted pumpkin seeds.

Add the pumpkin seeds can be almost any salad. They are perfectly combined with cabbage, celery, carrots, beets, spinach and other vegetables.

A handful of pumpkin seeds will make it even more useful variety of cereals, muesli and cereal. You can just grind the seeds in a blender and eat a spoon of this paste after meals. Also pumpkin seeds can be a great addition to sauces (pesto, curry).

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