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The secrets of healthy sleep

Секреты здорового снаIt is no secret that a good night’s sleep works wonders and affects our health, mood and appearance.

If you have trouble falling asleep, suffer from insomnia or sleep all night, still feel overwhelmed, you’ll appreciate our advice.

The science of good sleep

Remember to sleep well and feel the cheerfulness in the morning, there are three important stages. Not only the sleep and its duration, but also how you sleep and how you Wake up in the morning. For example, one can easily fall asleep after a glass of wine, but Wake up at dawn with a terrible headache which will ruin the whole next day. Or to go to bed early, waking up in the morning and still feel overwhelmed and tired for some unknown reasons. Fortunately, there are lots of things that help us to sleep and Wake up without any problems – starting with a good pillow and ending with applications on your smartphone.

Eating before bedtime

The perfect dinner should consist of light proteins (Turkey breast, lean fish, cheese) and complex carbohydrates (quinoa, lentils). This combination activates inhibitory neurotransmitters, which help to doze off. Fatty foods (burgers, fries), tea, coffee, chocolate at night is, of course, not worth it.

A warm bath

Everyone knows that lavender has a calming effect. Take 2 tbsp. dry milk 1 tbsp. sea salt 1 tbsp. baking soda and 8 drops of lavender essential oil. All the ingredients are well mixed, you can use a blender. Pour the mixture into a jar with a lid, then add 1 tbsp warm water.

Soft socks

To calm down and relax your muscles helps to not only bath, but also ordinary socks. It is important that they are soft, without tight elastic bands, made of natural breathable fabrics. They warm up the feet, this will expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation, which in turn will help get to sleep faster.

Relief mask

Light is one of the main disturbing factors that interfere with sleep. If the room gets light, it will help you sleep mask. Best sleep mask convex area of the eye shape that provides a snug fit, eliminating the possibility of ingress of light. This mask does not prevent the movement of the eye during the rapid phase of sleep, which makes the stay even more fulfilling.

Lamp for dream

The light from traditional bulbs, as well as a television, computer and mobile devices reacts with the cells of the eye and transmits signals to the brain to cease production of melatonin, a hormone that helps sleep. To blame blue light that comes from most devices. Led bulb filters out blue light, allowing melatonin to prepare our body for sleep.


Residents of cities often interferes with sleep. In addition, recent studies have shown that the noise outside the window during sleep leads to the accumulation of fat in the waist area. There is a simple solution: turn on room fan or a special application with sound of white noise, rain, waves lapping. They’ll muffle outside noises with a monotonous hum.


Many people used to lie in bed, thinking about their problems. Evening is the worst time for this. Try to “worry schedule”. Distribute in advance a shopping list, errands and things that need to be performed in the near future, it will help to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

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