Home / Incredible / The secret of eternal youth is no longer a mystery to scientists

The secret of eternal youth is no longer a mystery to scientists

Секрет вечной молодости – больше не загадка для ученыхScientists have found out which processes affect the aging and created mice long-lived.

A group of Spanish scientists in the process of studying of cancer diseases have been able to reveal the secret of eternal youth.

There was launched a new type mice with greater life expectancy. Type has properties that are common to man.

A new genotype was removed in the process of conducting laboratory experiments, the results of which were published in the scientific journal Nature Communications. During the execution of the study, the researchers used the epigenetic mechanisms to create a DNA structure that, in principle, possible.

So they got extra-long telomeres, which are the chromosomal regions responsible for the protective functions of the organism.

Scientists were delighted when it turned out that in the last chromosomal sites, the new genotype of the mice does not have inherent genetic information at the genetic level. In this regard, the loss of telomeres is unlikely. When portions of chromosomes reach a critical level, they begin to die or stop the cell division.

Scientists have concluded that a new kind of mice live much longer, so it can be argued that one is able to create for themselves a “potion of youth”. This is because of the Spanish experts managed to recreate stem cells due to epigenetic programming.

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