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The researchers found 63 incredibly bright black hole

Исследователи обнаружили 63 невероятно яркие черные дырыQuasars are supermassive black holes.

Scientists in the field of astronomy of the Carnegie institution announced the discovery of 63 new quasar.

The latter are black holes located in the Central parts of galaxies. At the same time they offer a rich brightness, so often they are compared to the beacons.

According to scientists, quasars were formed in the period when the Universe’s age did not exceed a billion years. The relevant finding is so significant that now the number of ancient cosmic objects this kind has doubled. The researchers believe that quasars can tell a lot about the early Universe. Until recently, this information is for researchers to have failed.

The recently discovered quasars will tell scientists about how the universe existed in the first billion years of its birth. This, in turn, is one of the greatest mysteries in astronomy.

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