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The rating of the happiest professions

Составлен рейтинг самых счастливых профессийThe most happy and unhappy profession.

The British study identified the profession with the best and worst performers satisfaction with life.

A new study, published by The Cabinet Office in the UK showed that the profession in the sphere of the clergy associated with the highest level of life satisfaction.

In second place in the ranking of the happiest professions were top managers, Directors and senior officials, behind which is located the managers and owners of agriculture, secretaries of companies, professionals of quality control and health care workers.

In turn, the most unhappy employees feel pubs and bars, as well as employees in manufacturing and processing of plastic – they occupy the final place in the ranking.

Thus, the study shows that well-paid jobs are associated with high levels of life satisfaction. However, with a higher level of well-being is associated not only high salary, but other favorable factors such as working outdoors and satisfaction.

Ranking the top 10 happiest professions as follows:

Priests and other clergy
The leader and officers, senior managers
Managers and owners of agriculture and horticulture
Specialists in quality management
Managers in health care
Managers and owners of hotels
Masters of metal, electrical and electronics

In turn, the ranking of the top 10 most unhappy professions looks like this:

Workers in the production and processing of plastics
The staff of bars and pubs
Workers care for people
Assistants in the field of sports
The sellers on the phone
Workers in the field of industrial cleaning
Ordinary workers in the construction sector
The owners and employees of establishments allowed to sell alcohol

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