Home / Medicine / The most healthy Breakfast with fresh strawberries – simple recipes

The most healthy Breakfast with fresh strawberries – simple recipes

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецептыWhat can be tastier than the “first” of strawberries? Nutritionists have shared their cocktail recipes from this wonderful berries, which have an incredible taste.

As we have mentioned earlier, there are at least 10 reasons to eat strawberries for Breakfast: it is a source of antioxidants, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, accelerate metabolism, strengthen the immune system, as well as… teeth whitening, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to beauty.ua.

And now it’s time to try for Breakfast one of these healthy cocktails with strawberries:

Strawberry smoothie

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецепты

3 cups strawberries
1 ¾ Cup homemade milk
A handful of almond petals
1/3 Cup bran

Put all ingredients into blender and blend! Savory!

Oatmeal strawberry smoothie

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецепты

12-15 strawberries
1 Cup of oatmeal (and it is better to take whole grain cereal to make the medium grind)
1 Cup Greek yogurt (classic homemade yogurt without additives and sugar)
2 tsp brown sugar
Cinnamon, vanilla
A little water

Put all ingredients into blender and blend! Enjoy a delicious cocktail!

Strawberry mocha-frapuccino

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецепты

1 Cup strawberries
Organic dark chocolate – about 50g
Milk 3.2% – 100 g
Honey – 1 tsp or to taste

In a blender mix the ingredients, add a few ice cubes, a few mint leaves and serve!

Berry-banana protein smoothie

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецепты

1 Banana
10 strawberries
½ Fresh ginger root
1 Cup milk (excellent, if you find almond or coconut)
½ Cup natural yoghurt without additives
¼ Cup wheat germ (available at organic and “healthy” shops, or pharmacies)
Put all ingredients in blender, whip and enjoy your super shake! Nice!

Berry smoothie with strawberries and blueberries

Самые полезные завтраки со свежей клубникой - простые рецепты

½ Cup frozen blueberries (no fresh)
15 fresh strawberries
1 banana
Cup of Greek natural yogurt
¼ Cup fresh orange juice
Honey for sweetness

All the ingredients for the smoothie put in blender, whip and enjoy!

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