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“The married rake the pockets zero.”

Yulia Pechersky became famous throughout the Internet for their courses marriage: men with an income of 50,000 rubles is not considered, from those who have income up to 250 000, only accept gifts if the income is more than 700 000 rubles – get married and serve!

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You say that men with income up to 50 thousand rubles should not breed, and contact them dangerous. And, sorry, if the love…?

This is stupid. Good sex can be with a wealthy man. Most likely it just sits on hormones, they stand out from her at the sight of this man. Their effect lasts a maximum of a year, if there was a pregnancy three years. And then what? Then she wakes up in the morning and ask yourself: how am I in all this heap?

The Turkish woman asked the man three questions, you know what? “How much income? What kind of work? What kind of car?” It is after the name immediately. Very time-saving. And Slavic women are the most beautiful and gentle women in the world — spoil their men free sex.

And who is your husband in the profession, how much he earns, what car he’s driving?

My husband is an architect. Oleg Vasiliev. Currently developing several businesses. In 2014 he had a project in the construction industry, and the income was decent. Went to the new BMW (do not understand in their rooms, saloon with leather interior) and Mitsubishi Pajero. In March 2015 the project ended. The customer went bankrupt. Revenues have fallen. Had to give the machine account payment of staff salaries. It is important that in any situation he can always feed and clothe me and the kids. Earned always decent, above average even in difficult times. Already in April he organized 3 new business, one of them is “shot”, it works now.

The amount of income I will leave for tax returns. We have enough. Building a house on his land in Toksovo. Son attends a private kindergarten. Now, the machine is easier — new Hyundai. Business requires investment so long as so, but without credit, I have a Opel.

How long have you been counselling?

About one and a half years. Training am just over 2 months. The premiere was in St. Petersburg. The premiere was 23 girls. On the advanced course were 11 girls. Just over 500 if you count even single consultations.

Tell me why you decided to start your course and to teach women how to choose men?

Understand the nature of women is such that we do not know how to choose men. Before we did the fathers, in many cultures it remained. In our — no. This is one reason a large number of divorces and single women with children and without. I wish the girls happiness. For this you need to understand some things. When you understand the brain, how and when, that’s your choice, not just hormones — life becomes more manageable.

Do I understand correctly that a woman should not work and should… to give love to a man?

First love man. If a woman chooses a male way — it’s unhappy personal life, unfulfilled motherhood, illness.

A woman’s work is to give a man love and sex, and he, as man, have to support her financially?

Not really. It does not work. That’s life. And nobody needs. It’s just fine. A mother loves and protects the child, man woman, woman cares for the man. It’s just fine. Different — not normal.

How do your students receive gifts from men, which then spread in social networks?

The point is to ask the men what you want. All men, friends and strangers. And those who have long known and those who recently. Just if you want something — ask men. The purpose of the activity is to learn to accept help and be grateful. It is embedded, and the girls begin to look at all men as the defenders. To respect men.

That is, the problem is that the girls stopped trying themselves to get the money somewhere if they want something, and have learned to immediately ask for and accept from men help?

Yes. This is the basis of the relationship with the man and the woman now is disabled. Because all sama-sama. The money earns. That does not develop her relationship with the opposite sex.

You can close your eyes to the fact that the man walks to the left, if he continues to provide for his family?

If walking and married less than 20 years, it means that the wife does not what he needs. If one can not cope, then they find another.

What changes, if married more than 20 years?

If more than 20 years, women and men can be very different interests. As Putin and his wife Lyudmila Alexandrovna. Different rhythm of life and part ways. It is important to stay close to the people, friends, to support each other.

And why did you choose the name for training “alpha female”?

We are and remain animals. Especially women. Especially with regard to reproduction. Dating game we do not change over the centuries.

The girl chooses a man by the primitive criteria (instincts).

Early religion was restricted in the animals requirements and at the same time obliges man to take care of her. Now neither one nor the other. Now I teach girls to control themselves and to do so that the man cared. When a man does not give most of their earnings to children and women — it degrades. And when it contains a woman and children, all is well. A man develops, and the woman is realized in motherhood and love. Dad strong — thank you. Dad loves mom because my mom cares, my mom loves my dad because he cares about her. Co-dependency in this way is very positive for the family.

Tell us about your family?

I have two children. Daughter from his first marriage 13 years. My ex-husband also makes good money in construction. Working for himself. A very decent man and our relations are good. The youngest son of 2.5 years.

What wife do you recommend to choose son?

Wife will advise the one that’s going to love it. Respect his interests. But will love, because it is impossible to love another until I learned to love myself.

Tell me, if the man is married and not going to divorce, but is willing to support and give money – then your understanding is acceptable to sleep with him?

At some point, if the girl is a way to solve their problems and her man like to — Yes.

I have more about this: “only married for a lot of money! Yesterday with the girls coaching were discussing married men. I think it will be useful to all. Honey, married men meet allowed, but temporarily and only for VERY big money. Scraped their pockets “zero”. Especially those who have children! I’m a wife and I know whereof I speak!”

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"У женатых выгребайте карманы в ноль!"


opensource projects, eh….

Training for the naive “fools” are gaining increasing popularity in cities and towns!!!

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