Home / Incredible / The Japanese canceled the launch of new weather satellite

The Japanese canceled the launch of new weather satellite

Японцы отменили запуск нового метеоспутникаLaunch postponed for a day.

The Japanese space Agency JAXA was postponed for a day the launch of a new weather satellite “Himawari-9” with the help of the carrier rocket H2-A due to adverse weather conditions.

New launch date is scheduled for November 2. A time window defined between 15.20 and 18.18 local time (8.20 11.18 and Kiev respectively). Initially the launch was scheduled for November 1.

Weather satellite “Himawari-9”, which means “sunflower”, comparable in features with its predecessor, the satellite “Himawari-8”, but much superior to other meteorological satellites for the observation precision and speed of analytical operations. Data on typhoons and storm clouds in the center of the Japanese archipelago will be collected with a frequency of one every 2.5 minutes.

Color images allow experts to distinguish the usual mountain clouds from the volcanic gas, which will give them the opportunity to collect more accurate information and to predict the eruption.

Weather satellite “Himawari-8” was launched in October 2014. The first pictures were transmitted to earth a year later.

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