Home / Medicine / The healthy sleep: a few reasons for a full 8-hour sleep

The healthy sleep: a few reasons for a full 8-hour sleep

Самый здоровый сон: несколько причин для полноценного 8-часового снаSleep is a normal and vital for every body period.

Did you know that over the last 50 years, humanity has reduced your sleep for half an hour.

In the end, well, who wants to sleep 1/3 of your life? So we learned to work half-asleep, and it helps to drink a Cup or two of coffee and feel confident. Of course, one sleepless night will not bring us much harm, but chronic lack of sleep can destroy our health. Chronic sleep deprivation has serious consequences for our health: it can lead to diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, etc ten or more days without sleep can do to kill us. Let’s find out why we need 8-hour sleep?

Professor Russell foster, a neuroscientist from Oxford University, conducted research that showed that sleep without rapid phase REM weakens our ability to master new tasks and work 3 times. Also without it we lose the ability to regenerate. At the beginning of a deep sleep in the blood releases substantial quantities of growth hormones, which are responsible for tissue regeneration.

Lack of sleep impairs our cognitive abilities such as attention, concentration, thinking and ability to solve problems, which greatly reduces performance at work.

Researchers from the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center in Boston compared the sleep duration of children in different countries of the world. It turned out that where the children slept longer, they and the school performance was better. During sleep, the body secretes growth hormone, the children need for proper development.

During sleep our brain organizes memories and acquired knowledge. If you sleep not enough, then it is likely that the new knowledge or information obtained during the day, you will learn bad.

Recently, scientists from the University of Rochester in new York defined the basic function of sleep, which has long remained a mystery to us. It turns out that sleep helps the brain get rid of toxins generated in the process of metabolism. This happens with cerebrospinal fluid. Based on the results of studies in mice, the researchers found that the cerebrospinal fluid flows through the brain and collects the “waste” left in it in the process of life. This whole process of “purification” occurs during sleep. When the brain falls asleep, the cells shrink, leaving voids, which allow leaking of spinal fluid and remove waste products.

Chronic lack of sleep or insomnia increase the risk of heart attack, arrhythmia, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer. According to recent studies, lack of sleep promotes Alzheimer’s disease, weakened immunity and can lead to mental disorders. Therefore, if You or Your loved ones suffer from insomnia, make sure to electroencephalography EEG — a graphical test of the activity of the brain. This harmless and painless examination that allows you to quickly identify and diagnose disorders and diseases in the brain.

The person who didn’t get enough sleep, reaction speed driving is reduced as well as under the influence of alcohol.

According to a study conducted in 2007, people who sleep less than five hours a day are twice as likely at risk of premature death, particularly cardiovascular diseases.

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