Home / Science and technology / The Germans invented a gun for game Pokemon Go

The Germans invented a gun for game Pokemon Go

Немец изобрел ружьё для игры в Pokemon GoIt shoots plastic balls.

German inventor Joerg Sprave, famous for its stunning examples of improvised weapons fashioned gun for the super popular game Pokemon Go.

Multiplayer augmented reality game Pokemon Go immediately after gained incredible popularity around the world. Its feature is the overlay of virtual images on the real world image on the camera display of the smartphone, and the players need to travel the streets to search for pokemon and hunting them.

It decided to use Joerg Sprave who made a homemade shotgun in his usual style. It shoots plastic balls that the game perform the role of a virtual traps to catch pokemon.

Moreover — the ruthless Germans even tested his gun on the man, dressed in a Pikachu costume!

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