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Medicinal properties of ginger tea

Лечебные свойства имбирного чаяGinger as a spice and a medicine known from ancient times.

Ginger root is used in folk medicine for several millennia.

Because of its unusual taste and smell, it is also highly valued in Asian cooking and is used for cooking a variety of dishes and drinks.

Without a doubt, one of the reasons why ginger is one of the world’s most popular products related to its innumerable beneficial properties, which makes it a universal medicine, and a prophylactic against many diseases.

In recent decades the beneficial properties of ginger have been studied intensively. It contains high amount of fiber and gingerol, the active component, which not only gives it a distinctive piquant taste, but also a variety of useful properties.

Today, ginger is included in most natural preparations that are designed to fight against various diseases and protect the body.

Experts told about a special tea made from ginger, which can add a little cinnamon to increase its effectiveness and enhance its useful properties.

This natural drink is prepared with ginger slice and cinnamon sticks. So hot tea with a slight spicy taste is very good for the body and I believe him.

Regular intake of ginger tea is particularly recommended thanks to its numerous beneficial properties:

Cleanses the liver and removes toxins

The liver need to clean one to two times per year. This vital organ filters blood and removes toxins from the blood system.

The combination of ginger and cinnamon in a drink allows you to protect the liver and cleanse it, so it is not overloaded and can effectively cope with their tasks.

Heals gallbladder

If you are suffering from gallstones, regularly take this drink, it will help you not only protect the liver but also to improve gallbladder.

Warm inside

This hot tea allows to get rid of feelings of cold and perfectly warm, so it is especially nice to drink in the damp, chilly weather.

Ginger has a thermogenic effect, helps burn calories and allows you to maintain normal body temperature.

Improves digestion

People suffering from digestive problems, can take this tea to improve bowel and gastrointestinal tract.

This tea perfectly warm, treats inflammation and helps to get rid of gas and flatulence.

Strengthens the immune system

Ginger is particularly rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C which are very important for strengthening the immune system and fight flu viruses and colds.

Tea from ginger

This useful natural drink is very easy to prepare, its ingredients are available, and you can buy them in any supermarket.

You will need: 1 large slice of ginger root (about 2 cm), 1 cinnamon stick, half a lemon, 1 Cup of water (250 ml).

Method of preparation:

To start, thoroughly rinse the ginger root and grate it.

Bring to boil a Cup of water and add grated ginger and cinnamon. Put drink to stew on low heat for 10 minutes.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon to the broth.
When it is ready, strain the tea, leave it for a few minutes and take two or three times a day.

Possible contraindications

Although cinnamon and ginger protects the stomach from many diseases, it is not recommended to use for those who suffer from digestive disorders, because cinnamon and ginger are strong irritants.

It is also not recommended to use them pregnant women, children or people taking drugs-anticoagulants, e.g. aspirin, warfarin, tiklopidin or heparin. In case of doubt or the occurrence of adverse reactions consult your doctor.

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