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The doctors suggested how to minimize the risk of stroke

Медики подсказали, как свести к минимуму риск инсультаRecently, the stroke is much “younger”, so doctors are sounding the alarm and calling on everyone to think about their health today, do not postpone.

Earlier, a stroke in the hospital received only people in Mature and retirement age, but not children and not young people, average age 18-25. The fact that the changed way of life, people have ceased to think much of their health, money, no one is not enough, at work the eternal problem, the family is not strong and so on. Each of these factors affects the health of children and adults.

In addition to the increase in the number of alcohol drinkers, smokers, people with obesity. Again, many will say: “now is the time”, and they will be right. People have absolutely no clue about how to change your life for the better and to protect yourself from the development of terrible diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke.

A stroke is much easier to warn, than then to cope with its complications. Everyone knows that a stroke is bleeding in the brain, accompanied by paralysis of the limbs and face, as well as the lack of coherent speech. In some cases, people who suffered a stroke, will never begin to correctly pronounce letters and words.

A long rehabilitation process largely does not give the results that I would like to see. So the best way against stroke is prevention:

1. To unsubscribe from junk food, saturated fats and carcinogenic substances.

2. To sit on diet therapy under the supervision of a dietitian if obesity is diagnosed.

3. Set yourself up each morning in a positive way. Good mood and low stress is the key to health and protection from stroke.

4. No bad habits. Alcohol, like cigarettes, can easily become provocateurs of a stroke.

5. To move more. We all know that moderate physical activity increase our chances of long and healthy life.

It is very important to undergo annual screening for those people that have the prerequisites to stroke. Especially under the threat of women and men in the family which already had a stroke or their age is 50 years or more. Young people and girls too, is to be examined by a doctor at least 1 time per year, as has already been noted that in recent times a stroke too younger.

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