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The Chinese have tested a hypersonic aircraft

Китайцы испытали гиперзвуковой летательный аппаратThe device can carry a nuclear warhead and to overcome today’s existing missile defense system.

The Chinese military tested a new hypersonic glide flying machine DF-ZF, wrote to Defense Aerospace.

This is already the seventh launch of a hypersonic glider from the start of testing in 2014, and he was recognized as successful.

DF-ZF is able to operate at speeds from five to ten Mach numbers (6,2-12,3 thousand kilometers per hour). Other details about the glider classified.

It is assumed that he can carry a nuclear warhead and to overcome today’s existing missile defense system.

Camera trigger, presumably with the help of ballistic missiles of the family of DF-21 with a range of from 1.2 to 1.9 thousand kilometers, and the DF-31 with a range from eight to 12 thousand kilometers.

According to statements by Chinese authorities, the DF-ZF is not aimed against any country and is created solely for scientific purposes.

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