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The biggest Scam of the XX century

The myth about the dangers of cholesterol-rich foods led to serious consequences for human health. It reveals main cause of atherosclerosis.

Крупнейшая афера XX века

A famous Viennese surgeon and scientist Theodor Billroth (well-known author operations to remove part of the stomach in peptic ulcer disease) asked his disciples an interesting experience. The goats and sheep were removed the thyroid gland. The results were quite paradoxical. The operation has led to a spike in the level of total cholesterol and atherosclerosis, including coronary. Thus, herbivores that have never tried contain cholesterol animal food, developed atherosclerosis.

Крупнейшая афера XX века

It is suspected that low thyroid function can lead to atherosclerosis. Later these assumptions were confirmed in humans. It is the lack of function of the thyroid gland, and not animal fats, is one of the main reasons for atherosclerosis. Since the NINETEENTH century, atherosclerosis was successfully treated with low doses of thyroid hormones.

In the second half of the twentieth century, a theory, the effects of which are tantamount to mass genocide. The birth of the theory that the cause of atherosclerosis is the use of cholesterol-containing animal food, it was mixed with selfishness, narrow-minded scientists and the greed of pharmaceutical companies. The victims fell many millions of patients with atherosclerosis. Among the victims was U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, which is immediately after the first myocardial infarction, the doctors were put on a low cholesterol diet. Despite the diet, cholesterol levels continued to increase. The tougher limit animal fats, the higher rose the level of cholesterol. Together with cholesterol nerotal and weight. The result of inadequate treatment was found to be disappointing: the President happened several heart attacks that eventually led to cardiac death. Presidents are not treated the most knowledgeable doctors. If the attending physician of the President D. White listened to the advice of his knowledgeable colleagues B. Barnes, perhaps the course of history and the direction of scientific research would have gone a completely different way.

Many millions of dollars were thrown into the furnace, inconclusive scientific research to prove “guilt” of animal fats in causing atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.Until today, no real evidence was provided. Nevertheless, the broad public was not informed, and anticholesterolemic the drug lipitor successfully holds the lead in sales.

To lower cholesterol to President Eisenhower would be able to help another means: exclusion from diet heavy carbs. That is sweet, rich in starch and refined food is the second most important cause of high cholesterol and atherosclerosis of the arteries of the myocardium.

Meanwhile, another father of physiology, Rudolf Virchow wrote about the fact that cholesterol was never the cause of atherosclerosis, and appears only at the end-stage lesion of the arteries. Cholesterol comes for the “healing of wounds”, but never was the cause of this “wound,” argued the scientist. High cholesterol is ONLY a SYMPTOM of inflammation in the body, but not its cause. Damage the walls of the arteries are many factors. For example, elevated levels of glucose and insulin in the blood.

It is not surprising that half of the people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, had normal cholesterol levels. Conversely, people with low cholesterol have higher mortality in 2 times.

Evidence of the insolvency of the cholesterol myth are numerous. For example, the people of Northern India consume 17 times more animal fat than people in southern parts of it. However, the frequency of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the myocardium northerners have 7 times less.

Cholesterol is an essential substance which has besides anti-microbial properties. It is needed for fetal brain development of the fetus, and for normal function of the Central nervous system. Reason 23% of the reserves of cholesterol in the brain. If many generations of our ancestors would be on a low cholesterol diet, then I’m afraid the human brain would be similar to Medusa. It is not surprising that low cholesterol leads to a decrease in memory in middle-aged and older.

I would like to emphasize the vital importance of cholesterol as a building material for the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones, in particular sex and adrenal hormones. It low-cholesterol diet weakens the ability of the body to fight with stress.

The absence of animal fats in the diet causes the liver to overwork. Since cholesterol is critical for life, the liver is forced to synthesize it from what is available from carbohydrates. Cholesterol synthesis by the liver requires the mobilization of huge resources. The lack of cholesterol in the diet is a real crisis for the liver! Isn’t it better to give her the opportunity to work for the elimination of toxins?

I’m afraid no one knows that cholesterol is an antioxidant. And a decrease in its level increases the risk of cancer, sexual dysfunction, memory disorders, Parkinson’s disease, stroke (Yes, stroke!), suicide and aggressive behavior. Is it because the crazed nishiiwai diet America takes so many cases, the use of firearms for the purpose of mass murder at schools? So my advice to you: if someone boasts that he has low cholesterol, it is better to be with a man very polite…

No one would argue that gray hair is a cause of old age. Similarly, cholesterol is not the cause of myocardial infarction. The myth about cholesterol has led to the fact that the enemies of heart health announced extremely healthy food is animal fat. It came to absurd “circumcision”: the protein cut from the yolk and started to throw out the most nutritious part of the egg.

It’s time for the solemn funeral of the myth of the guilt of cholesterol in myocardial infarction; and to do so with a loud military salute. To salute heard as many deceived people.

O. I. Sineva, candidate of med.Sciences


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