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The main signs of thyroid disease

Названы главные признаки заболеваний щитовидкиThese symptoms should pay attention.

Few know that the thyroid gland, but in common, the thyroid gland, is the “Queen” of all the organs of the female endocrine system.

The hormones it produces the thyroid gland actively participate in the processes of metabolism and growth of cells, accelerates the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases the use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The thyroid gland located in front part of the neck under the voice box and is butterfly shaped, with the upper lobe of her tall and narrow, and the lower on the contrary, short and wide. The size of the prostate is individual for every woman and it can change with the menstrual cycle.

Behind the thyroid are four small glands that produce a hormone that regulates calcium and phosphorus in the body. Damage or destruction of these glands leads to a decrease in calcium, the bones become thin and fragile.
The stable functioning of the thyroid gland is responsible the hypothalamus. He gives the call letters of the anterior pituitary, which produces and throws into the blood hormones thyroid – stimulating hormones. Under the influence of these hormones the thyroid gland increases in size and begins to actively produce their own hormones.

Tissue thyroid krovosnabjaemah four thyroid arteries, which the blood flowing through the gland is saturated with hormones and further, heading through the veins transmit them to their destination.

The thyroid gland is a storehouse of iodine in the body. It produces iodine-containing hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are responsible for the accumulation and use of energy in every cell of the body. In addition, it has a positive impact on the recovery process of damaged tissues and organs.

Disruption of the thyroid due to lack of iodine in the body. It can also be affected by the low content of iodine in soil, water and air. In these cases, the doctors recommend to change the place of residence to another with more favourable climatic conditions.

It is also necessary to know the function of the thyroid gland in winter increase and summer decrease. Physical and mental work, exercise in the fresh air enhance productive activity of the thyroid gland.

To disrupt the balance of thyroid hormones can a low calorie diet. Feeling the lack of energy that the body gets with each meal, the thyroid gland begins to actively produce and store the hormone triiodothyronine (T3). This hormone begins to build up in the blood and quietly for you to destroy the cells. Usually, it affects the fibers of the heart muscle.

Symptoms of thyroid disease in women:

– menstrual disorders, infertility;
– PMS with pronounced mood swings;
– depression, passivity, depression;
– tingling in the fingertips;
– swelling of the face, lower extremities;
– dry skin, splitting nails, dry hair, split;
– decreased body temperature;
– low pressure;
– pain in muscles, joints.

If you notice these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor-endocrinologist. An experienced specialist will prescribe ultrasound examination and tests for hormones. Don’t be surprised if you are forced to be tested not only for thyroid hormone. The thyroid is inextricably linked with the adrenal and sex glands, so the doctor needs to see the whole hormonal picture.

To maintain hormonal levels of the thyroid gland in normal will help a balanced diet. Try to consume only iodized salt and iron-containing products.

For the prevention of iodine deficiency recommend a balanced diet. So, the meat contains iodine – a little less than the daily allowance of food, and in marine fish is much more of the daily value. Therefore, doctors recommend alternating these products with the diet. In addition, the menu must be included cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Follow your emotions. Protect yourself from a depressed, panicky, or hysterical States. Your mental balance depends on physical health.

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