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How to restore your liver after the holidays

Как восстановить печень после праздниковDoctors told how to restore liver health after eating too much on holidays.

During holiday feasts and picnic people consumed large amounts of fatty, spicy, junk food and alcohol. It overloads the liver and causes her great harm: violated the metabolic processes in the body, it destroyed cells. To restore the liver after the holidays will help the observance of certain rules.

Dietary restrictions

After the holiday should be for some time to abandon a fatty meal, and of course, alcohol. It is necessary that the diet was balanced, with the need to consume enough protein. Eat and drink dairy products (yogurt, cheese), eat more fresh vegetables. Spicy food and spices, canned goods, meats, lard, fatty meats, sweets from the diet will have to exclude.

Herbal remedy

A great tool for recovery of liver function is herbal medicine. Tea herbal anti-inflammatory effect, improves formation and secretion of bile, stabilizes metabolic processes in the liver. Because of this the excretion of toxic substances and toxins is accelerated. Take a collection of the following herbs: nettle, peppermint, St. John’s wort, red clover, birch leaves, yarrow, chamomile, marigold flowers (calendula). The mixture of herbs pour into a thermos, pour boiling water and let steep for 6 hours. Drink the broth half a Cup 3 or 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Artichoke extract

Take the artichoke extract. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body, protects liver cells from toxins, lowers cholesterol in blood and prevents the development of cholecystitis.

Milk Thistle

Well will help to restore liver function preparations based on milk Thistle. Substances contained in this plant, contribute to the formation of new liver cells and strengthen their membranes, preventing the destructive effects of toxic substances. Also the recovery of cells contribute to the funds, which include the phospholipids.


One of the most effective natural products that promote recovery and purification of the liver is oatmeal. During the recovery period make it a rule every morning, eat oatmeal.


Beets can be called the tonic, which cleanses our blood. With this root you can cleanse the liver and remove the accumulated toxins in it.

Beetroot will cleanse the liver from heavy substances, which adversely affect her health.

Try to meet every morning with a glass of natural beetroot juice. Try not to dilute it with water. If desired, you can add the juice of carrots.


If you are one of those who eats every morning on an empty stomach a clove of garlic, congratulations: you are doing a lot for the health of your liver. Contained in garlic allicin stimulates the cleansing the liver of toxins. Garlic helps to cleanse the body in General and is a good antibiotic.

If you are concerned about bad breath that remains after the garlic, try to gum it with a leaf of mint.


Another effective natural antibiotic, worthy of our attention. Onion is high in sulfur — a mineral that helps rid the liver of heavy metals and toxins.

Daily is recommended to eat a small amount of onion, adding it to salads.


Don’t forget that all the varieties of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) have high micronutrient content that can neutralize toxins accumulated in the liver.

Thanks to broccoli and contained glucosinolates our liver becomes more healthy and strong. This is probably the best method of cleansing the liver.

A glass of warm water with lemon juice

Lemon water stimulates the production of bile, improves intestinal peristalsis, strengthens our immune system, helps to cleanse the body.

If the liver is the beginning you worry too much, you should consult a doctor. It will define the degree of organ damage and prescribe the appropriate treatment or preventive procedure.

In addition, each of us needs every day to care for the health of your liver. This is very important to eat right. Need to know what foods help us to have a healthy liver.

The foods that are beneficial for liver health


Artichoke can be called one of the best products for our liver. Artichokes purify the liver from toxins, and they contain enzymes and vitamins normalize the work of this important body and regenerate liver cells.

Artichoke strengthens the health of both the liver and gall bladder, normalize digestion, cleanses our body from fats, exerting a stimulating effect on the lazy liver and is also recommended for fatty liver, helps to avoid constipation.

In order for the artichokes brought health benefits, it is recommended to eat them boiled with the addition of a small amount of lemon and olive oil.

Obtained by the cooking of artichokes broth is also useful: it can be drunk.

Pomelo and grapefruit

These citrus fruits are potent sources of antioxidants and minerals that strengthen the liver.

It is important to remember that vitamin C protects liver cells from toxins. Therefore, it would be wise for Breakfast to eat some grapefruit or pomelo.


Some people believe avocados are too high in calories. But do not forget that the contained fatty acids are very beneficial for the health of our liver.

Avocados stimulate the production of glutathione, a substance necessary for cleansing our body from toxins.

They also have a high content of various vitamins and minerals, thanks to which our liver becomes stronger and healthier.

Whole grains

Whole grains are rich sources of b vitamins needed for a healthy liver. Thanks to them, our liver breaks down fats better. Also in these cereals contain various nutrients and minerals — such as iron, magnesium, zinc, copper. These substances are very important for the correct operation of the liver.

Why is recommended to use cereals as a whole? The fact is that in this case they are stored carbohydrates, dietary fiber, b vitamins and antioxidants that are lost during the processing of grain.

Try to choose a whole grain flour, avoid convenience foods, include in your diet more fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet along with regular exercise will help you every day to take care of the health of your liver.

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