Home / Medicine / The best exercise for prevention of diseases of the pancreas

The best exercise for prevention of diseases of the pancreas

Лучшие упражнения для профилактики болезней поджелудочной железы Prevention is always better than cure.

Pancreas is the internal organ, whose importance cannot be overstated. The work directly affects the pancreas and other internal organs. So, the main task is to develop the enzymes necessary for digestion. They are located in the pancreatic juice, activitywas under the influence of bile and enzymes produced in the intestine by breaking down food into fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This allows the body to digest the received food, and the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Also, this body is responsible for the production of the hormone insulin, the lack of which in the body is very dangerous. Because as a result, the excess or, on the contrary, excessive amount of glucose can lead to such diseases as diabetes or other, no less serious and dangerous ailments.

To improve the condition and prevent diseases of the pancreas will help special exercises.

Techniques soft massage to the pancreas and other organs nearby in the abdominal cavity, with special movements of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm help to improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, inflammation and congestion in the internal organs, which is very important for health.

Exercises are performed several times a day in any position – lying, sitting, standing, first 3-4 times, then you need to gradually increase the load up to 9-10 times.

Exercise # 1. Inhale, exhale and hold your breath. During the respiratory pause, gently, but hard enough pull your stomach, count to three and then relax your abdominal muscles.

Exercise # 2. Inhale, exhale and hold your breath. During the respiratory pause as much as possible inflate the abdomen, count to three and relax your muscles involved in this movement.

Exercise # 3. Start to breathe in, approximately in the middle hold your breath for 1-2 s (when the diaphragm contracts and flattens), then continue to exhale, as if directing the air in the stomach, slightly bulging abdominal wall. At the end of the breath again stop, count to three, inflating the abdomen, then quickly relax your muscles and continue through to 6, slowly retracting the abdominal wall. Exhale and relax your abdominal muscles.

Exercise # 4. Simultaneously with the inhale pull your stomach much. Holding your breath for a few seconds, relax your abdominal muscles. Actively inflate the belly on the inhale and pull it again on the exhale.

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