Home / Incredible / The Bermuda triangle mystery finally solved

The Bermuda triangle mystery finally solved

Тайна Бермудского треугольника наконец разгаданаThe mystery of one of the most mysterious and dangerous places on the planet finally disclosed.

The scientists were able to unravel the mystery of the disappearance of planes and ships in the Bermuda triangle, which has an enviable popularity.

According to available version, all the blame for the hexagonal cloud.

The Bermuda triangle is an area of about 500 thousand square kilometers in the Atlantic between a small island in Bermuda and similar education in Puerto Rico. The other part is bordered by the coast of Florida. This region was studied Steve Miller is a meteorologist and specialist in satellite imagery.

He was concerned, strange clouds, which inexplicably occur in the territory of the triangle. Speaking about the scientist, they jointly determined that in the center of these “hexagons” there are strong gusts of wind. Their speed can reach up to 280 km/h, and the danger is precisely the unevenness. Because of this, the wind is striking the surface of water, like the air bomb, raising a wave whose height can reach up to 15 meters.

Experts believe that the impact of such a strong flow to the ship or aircraft, they can not escape the tragic consequences. Now scientists are busy trying to figure out the causes of such a strange “anomalies”.

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