Home / Policy / Moral killing: how the U.S. government by using “freedom of speech” to destroy other peoples

Moral killing: how the U.S. government by using “freedom of speech” to destroy other peoples

О нравственном убийстве: как власти США с помощью "свободы слова" уничтожают другие народы

“No laws, no action, invented by people, can not prevent moral murder, the murder of a word. This weak point of justice, which is decided by the community.”
O. de Balzac

Defame someone, you can deprive of authority, of dignity, of pride in past and present… Put on a stream, deliberate lie leads to a moral murder of the individual and of the whole country, his people.

This moral murder was elected U.S. (read: Anglo-Saxon supranational elite, accomplices) as the main processing States before colonization — a kind of artillery preparation before the attack.


This is a new era in the history of competition and animosity of humanity.

The so-called psycho-historical, informational-psychological or ideological war, apparently, are divisions or branches of the military in global operations and moral murder Nations.

The perfect disguise to infiltrate into the territory of the victim under the pretext and a beginning of moral murder was “freedom of speech”.

It’s hard distorted right has been so effective tool to introduce into the minds of the population about the principles and ideals (developed by us scientists), that still the murder of a word can not properly expose, separate from freedom of speech and limit.

Moreover, the victim (the state) is so intimidated by the constant “preventive” (baseless) allegations of infringement of “freedom of speech”, invented by the psychologists of the CIA as a warning that I’m afraid to even think about the real restrictions on violent delusions and lies. Fears turn into phobia and victims lose the ability to defend and accept, and get used to tolerate anti-national, anti-state media.

In America, in Europe and especially in the new countries of the West censorship is not only trying to protect their culture and values from erosion, but also protects their own propaganda from the revelations and protects the people from the truth (this is also leads to erosion, but slower, in contrast to the planned external moral aggression).

For example, in Ukraine, the CIA is completely controlled by the liberal censorship hands of the puppet authorities, and at the same time, controlled by non-profit organizations (NPOs) (which is basically social sabotage) mimics the “extreme concern” as “freedom of speech”.

That’s why the American propaganda around the world requires a reduction of the state’s role in the media and in business in favor of “civil societies” and the market controlled by the USA, it is easier to colonize the country. However, the myth of the “independent business” and “free market” has been repeatedly debunked by the White House, publicly threatened, for example, companies with problems in case of participation in the SPIEF.

And no, the so-called free media has not stood up to protect business, to protect the freedom of “private” enterprise.

Today we hear about “economic killer”, but nobody is talking about “moral murderers”, governing, under the leadership of the CIA, processes controlled degradation of common sense in all spheres of life, particularly in the field of culture. Just look for example, at one stage the disappearance of European and Soviet cinema, in terms of quality.

While there was a great Soviet cinema, as opposed to him, the United States allowed Europe to have its a great film, created by generations of geniuses. After the destruction of the USSR, the counterweight was not needed. Designed business, system advertising and sponsorship, and most importantly, the PR of “creative” mediocrity, made its black business – Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, etc. have lost their cinema.


The great schools and traditions of European cinema could not degrade simultaneously in a short period without external intervention.

And that Europe did not notice, and eventually got used to their inability to produce quality cultural products, the author skillfully focused on imaginary threats: North Korea, Iran’s nuclear program, “likely” the Russian “aggression” everywhere, Libyan and Syrian “bloody regime”, Chinese expansion, etc.

High quality rare European films of today owe their existence comforting quotas CIA, or Vice versa, its an oversight. For Russia, these quotas there is only a “dill”. Not affected only the Anglo-Saxon film industry!

American “freedom of speech” for the colonies is a multi-purpose weapon:

1) well-meaning guise of malice.

2) Deprivation of rights of the authorities to protect the population from lies, distorting history and modernity, corrupting the classics of literature, cinema…

3) Information support of processes of social degradation.

4) the Ability to affect a limited, crippled educational mistakes of the characters and turn them into enemies of their own people (collaborators).

5) prevention of use of power effective methods of the fight against internal enemies, foreign agents…

This is not an exhaustive list of the inhumane features of freedom of speech American-style.

The last paragraph may have given rise (or global improvement) modern weapons — “freedom of speech”. And it happened after a thorough study by the US secret services successful Stalin against Western manipulation of public consciousness before and during the great Patriotic war, created a powerful fifth column to help the European Nazi army within the Soviet Union.

This uncompromising struggle, or necessary self-defence, as an amputation with gangrene, which the Anglo-Saxons imposed on the Soviet Union and called the “Stalinist repression”, has played a major role in the victory over world fascism.


And to prevent new failures in colonization, the USA has perfected the manipulation of public consciousness to the moral murder by “freedom of speech” banner of “democracy.”

Now the US-controlled media around the world have the power to prohibit the authorities to fight the propaganda of ignorance and corruption, lies and fraud, preparing conditions for the full subordination of the countries. And Pro-Western NGOs, in addition to that enforce the “rights” of members of the fifth column, or whose other rights they are not interested, except as a simulation of the proposed activity, to actively monitor the field (across the country) the situation with the emergence of pockets of resistance to the moral murder of pockets of sanity and “knock” to the curators. And those, in turn, take steps to neutralize them.

By the way, it seems that Erdogan is the only one who dared, contrary to the dictates of the United States, to go according to Stalin’s scenario of fierce fighting with Pro-American “fifth column” (in the 21st century there is no need to resort to deprivation of life the key figures of the communities, traitors, and danger was not so extensive as in the Soviet Union before the war), to get a strong trump of the West, who made Turkey a civil war and division of territory.

But does that Erdogan, for example, Stalin’s Soviet Union, in the name of social justice, or slide into a religious or political dictatorship for the sake of vanity, power and greed, which the United States only allow their puppets (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Poland, the Baltic States, Georgia, Ukraine…) — the big question!

After the first shock at the “barrage” of guns — “freedom of speech”, followed by a coup and seize all control systems, with the possibility of a physical reduction of the population by local armed conflicts, civil wars and the obligatory intensification of his alcoholism and drug addiction.


Next is the final moral rebound of the people with connection of all institutions, quickly reformed under the destruction in the first place humanitarian. So it was with the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, now with Georgia, Ukraine and many others.Dr. It continues in Russia today. Sometimes all limited to “soft” coups with false ideas and reforms, as in the case of Europe, not noticing their own colonization for the flattering status of the General partner of the U.S. section of the world.

For the capture of natural, industrial and consumer resource objects of subordination, the population should be transformed into a limp mass, therefore, the US carried out around the world, this huge inhuman project — the moral murder.

Techniques and tools used in its implementation as the goal itself, so difficult to prove that are almost impossible to date the legal assessment, and so technically can not be considered a crime against humanity. Moreover, it seems that you know only customers are global crimes. The rest of the people, including performers, if I tried to imagine – would not believe.

For an individual, idea, citizens, always ready to aggressively-ironic accusations of “conspiracy theory” “conspiracy theories”… because in a perfect society, impunity is a key factor in the inevitability of the crime, that the future of hundreds of millions of people on the planet who do not know what and how to defend, at least – is bleak.

The US is concerned about a reduction in the level of culture around the world, since it deprives the peoples common sense and knowledge, dignity and ability to defend their rights, suppress or desorientiert the will to resist the high-tech colonization and prevents the appearance of new forces in the future to lead the movement for decolonization.


A lot of people in it’s really scary to believe, but the signs and implications of these activities too much to a self-respecting observer have the courage in private to recognize the fact American hybrid of fascism proved.

One of the many sources of such evidence are the statements of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“If Ukraine joins the Customs Union, it will have to join financial and cultural space of Russia”. So Clinton said, before the visit of Yanukovych at the Eastern partnership summit, where he was on the idea of the West, to sign the Association agreement with the European Union.

Since there were doubts about the commitment of the President to transfer Ukraine to the ultimate slavery, that he has been under unprecedented pressure from all the Western media and politicians. Clinton also had to put this contribution in the pressure — which she did with her usual clarity.

It is clear that she wanted to say, but not everyone realized that really she said. After interpretation the idea it could look something like this: “I, as a former Secretary of state, too well known on the records of the intelligence services, for how long and thoroughly the US subjugated and destroyed the financial and cultural space of Russia, and what great success you have achieved! And I do not envy whoever will be in this degraded environment.”

It follows from this that the CIA, with the help of specialized institutions, destroying not only the industrial and financial sector of the countries that had the misfortune to fall into the zone of vital US interests, but to destroy their culture.

First, under the guise of reform, destroying the institutional foundations of the state, and then this devastation scare others. And, by the way, I despise those who allow themselves be treated like that, especially those who foolishly helped them to destroy their own country, and sincerely hate those who render serious resistance.


The United States created and distributed worldwide system of HR leaders (HR mediocrities) culture and media, which are the main sources of moral murder under the control of the CIA. No wonder the O. de Balzac called some journalists “assassins of ideas and reputations”. Today, it is rightly can be said about the so-called cultural figures.

Western and Pro-Western journalists, almost destroyed the Communist idea — the idea of a just society with equal opportunities for all, the idea of friendship of peoples. Buried the idea of “world peace”.

They are killing the reputation of not only political figures and private individuals the best representatives of their countries, but of all the most effective institutions as the pride and support of States directly or indirectly hinder colonization.

The best quality and effective in the country, came under the sights of the United States, killing word. It’s safe to say that the “liberal” aggressive interpretation (demonization) the role of personalities (Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Castro, Milosevic, Jaruzelski, Putin…) and institutions (the arts Council, the pioneer organization, Gosplan, KGB, Stasi…) USSR, East Germany, Yugoslavia and other countries 100% system is a fraud created by the CIA and MI-6.

Negative opinion of most people today about these and other personalities and institutions forcibly embedded in the consciousness of total Western propaganda which aims to turn such “opinion” in the conditional reflex. This task, unfortunately, quite well.

The effectiveness of propaganda lies, under the guise of freedom of speech so high that many people in Russia, even the patriots have become, in one way or another, native American: anti-Soviet, anti-Stalinism, – Bolshevism, Russophobia (Yeltsin center) and other hatred of their own history, culture, mentality… and to the country as a whole. Or, for example, under the influence of the same propaganda insists on calling unconstitutional a bloody coup in the Ukraine “revolution”.


In conjunction with the media, cinema and theater fulfill their part of the destruction of Russian culture. Instead of education – the promotion of ignorance, is the preservation and development of the desire for deep, objective knowledge of the world and society intellectual and moral degradation. Theaters destroy classic literature, distorting the essence of its philosophical and humanistic ideas.

Cinema and television abolish the rules of decency and moral standards, introducing in the everyday life of debauchery and rudeness, and the media support this process praise “criticism”, intriguing announcements and positive PR.

The overall objective of these institutions (occupied in the early 90s the fifth column) – “derationalization consciousness” and sterilization as the primary way to moral murder. The television in the moral murder of the performs, because of availability, the main scary part.

So today, almost no one in Russia can not say that he is from decent, respectable family, as every family has a TV. By the way, now the American moral murder is being implemented in China with the help of “the Russian” first channel. And will start to corrode the good attitude of the Chinese to the Russians, to discredit Russia.

Moral murder works differently on people: one drives the apathy and depression and other causes to believe in elaborately constructed lies and covers a pseudo-democratic stupor. One striking omission, in others it inflames the passion for destruction. In all cases, the state is weakening because people are:

powerless to realize and protect their rights,

limp in the quest for true independence,

helpless in the face of falsification of its history and mindless in its “new interpretation”,

brainless in the choice of priorities and allies

dishonest in the pursuit of excellence,


the satisfaction of instinctual drives,

insensitive to the loss of the heritage of national culture and industry…


Scary moment in the moral murder of toxicity is introduced from the outside of the lies developed by U.S. scientists (sociologists, psychologists), when the “infected” people, insanely Western propaganda, not only become a moral suicide, a sort of man’s own historical memory, destroy their culture, the destroyers of the foundations of the state, but also pick up pathological inexhaustible passion to “infect” the rest.

These people — moral suicide, the US has learned to derive from specific types of characters and use as a street-bawlers classroom, to create an atmosphere of “anti-regime” and mass “system of confrontation”.

It is these people at the end of the Soviet era was to promote shadow the HR Department. It’s safe to say that tested under Gorbachev after the coup of ‘ 91 in Russia began large-scale unannounced lustration in all spheres of life: political, economic… first and foremost, in the media and culture.

The capture of the latter produced an emergency change of personnel when replacing a genuinely talented figures of culture and media, real professionals, and their places were taken by the Directors-losers, would-be artists, voiceless singers, mediocre journalists and editor — all those who in Soviet times were the second and third roles, due to incompetence.

And those who in the heyday of the culture was in demand, but changed the beliefs on the anti-Soviet, suddenly ceased to produce a quality product, as if after signing the contract with the “devil” has lost its talent in exchange for material wealth and loyalty to the destruction of the country.

All honored culture who suddenly lost his job in early 90s, lost it not only for what was just talented, but also because were the keepers of the creative atmosphere, the generators of artistic thought, and support the cultural environment and people with modal type of thinking.


Being professional and moral authorities, they and other around them, and all society was drawn up to moral progress.

Without such people the culture of the country is degraded. (For example, without whom the Grigory Gorin became M. Zakharov with his theatre? Nothing. Null!). So, such people become the Prime targets of moral assassins who understood their key role for the Institute of culture and society as a whole. By the way, today had a small number of talented people in politics, which being super-aggressive, hostile environment, were able to turn the destruction of the country back. In a culture that, unfortunately, is not yet visible.

So, as mentioned above, been suspended from work (lyustrirovali) in the first place the best, and those who refused to leave were stronger in moral and administrative sense, were killed.

Yes, we all remember how to kill athletes, scientists, artists in Syria, who supported Assad at the beginning of the conflict. The same thing happened on/in Ukraine and in other countries. Only where the United States did open arms “foreign” terrorists and the Nazis, and Russia secretly (heart attack, cancer…), or palustrine (murder in connection with a “commercial activity”, auto(air), a disaster…), to give a chance to the nature and motive of the death of a person.

Looking at the moral value of murder to promote US hegemony and its scale, there is confidence that the CIA was the organizer of the order for the untimely death of such masters of culture and media, as Alexander Tatarsky, Gorin, Mikhail Evdokimov, Alexander talc, Vlad Leaves, Paul Klebnikov, and many others.

There is also reason to argue that only in Russia, high-quality cultural product of the Patriotic content of the musical “Nord OST”, designed primarily for young people, was not a random target of the terrorists. And I have to say, after the attack, the moral killer did everything possible to prevent the appearance on the Russian stage another popular quality of the performance, then again had the CIA to go to extreme measures, as with the “Nord OST”.


With a different musical or performance, this could not happen because everywhere Pro-American terrorists, nationalists, fascists and corrupt journalists accurately “choose” goals and exactly fit into the logic of American moral murder.

Starting with the killing of people and ideas, and ending with the destruction of ancient artefacts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and monuments of Soviet culture in Ukraine, everywhere there are American footprint.

All this, coupled with a “new interpretation” (perversion) of history and literature is called — moral murder Nations.

As a result of bloody lustration in Russia has gone a great cinema and theatre, great art of Soviet animation, and really, in Chekhov, intelligent, self-respecting TV viewer. Moreover, the film, theatre and TV didn’t just disappear, but transformed into merciless enemies of Russia.

For example, every film, performance, reporting (in particular, on the channel “Culture”) about the great Patriotic war is an insult to the fallen and surviving heroes and their descendants. But now the great “Immortal regiment”, in defending the truth about the war actually began (with the cowardly inaction of the authorities) a spontaneous impulse of the people’s moral resistance to killing in General.

How is it that virtually all culture (including contests and prizes…) was dominated by the US? If someone thinks that it still was a spontaneous process, he is mistaken. It was a planned aggressive surgery dehumanization of the population.

Who doubts, let him read and listen to the fifth column, unipolar activists, perpetrators of American crimes, experiencing, against subservience to the host, the pathological hatred and contempt for the state and the human person, and with all the medical evidence ready to move from words to deeds, from hatred, to physical violence.


They’ve done this in Russia (the shooting of the “white house”, the war in the Caucasus, addressing these cultural figures…), but this is especially evident occurred in Ukraine (punitive operation that led to the civil war). In fact, in Iraq, Libya and Syria were the same technology…

In Russia, apparently, decided not just to lower the cultural level, such as in Europe, but to destroy the culture completely.

Literature, cinema, theatre, visual arts, TV (especially talk shows, serials, Comedy programs (KVN) United only idea is contempt for their own country and its people, their past and present. All! Other tasks of the Russian liberal-barbaric “culture” is not intended.

No positive, no artistic taste, no Goodies, no sense of dignity and self-respect, no moral progress, no justice, nothing! Void!

USA proved that provoked them “moral murder,” no people will not save centuries-old ties of friendship, brotherhood, partnership and good neighbourliness. And all this chaos will continue in the near future.

This slip Obama at the UN, stating: “…the bloodshed, the hatred on religious grounds, vengeance – all this trouble is not quickly eliminated. And if seriously, then you need to understand that no external force will cause ethnic and religious communities simply coexist with each other for a long time.”

What a terrible statement of the representative of the “exceptional nation”! And this is exactly what the Anglo-Saxons were achieved (destroying, including a secular state) and now I want to fix as intrinsic evil, as the rock with which the world must accept, and the United States “to fight”. But the Soviet Union had proved the opposite, including forcing the West to abandon colonialism, the United States — from racism and more.Dr. That is why they still destroy his good name, if only to say “Thank you” and to assign him the credit.


If it is correct to perceive the words of Obama – as the US plan of action for the near future on the creation of bloody hatred and revenge between ethnic and religious groups of the world in General and Russia in particular should resist this American chaos in the main question — culture. After all, while our brave military are fighting with the American terror on the planet, their families, sitting in the rear of the TV and subjected to moral violence, moral murder.

Without the introduction of protective mechanisms is almost impossible to resist the powerful moral aggression by the scientific psychology of the West.

It would be better to spend contrastratio in culture, according to a recent Turkish sample, but the government, intimidated by “freedom of speech”, threatening withdrawal of investment, etc., fears of large-scale events in culture and the media.

In this case, to begin with, Russia needs at least one television channel without the liberal mediocrity, which will be gathered all the smart, talented people, including scattered on TV, like a spoon of honey in barrels of tar.

You must restore the arts Council or some (Patriotic-secular) public control over the quality of the word. Liberal poloumie and misconceptions should not constantly broadcasted in the media only because of the fictional inalienable right to any opinion. Lies and slander should not be called opinion.

It is necessary to deprive the fifth column the capacity to lead in Russia’s hybrid war, elements of which are:


— reform sabotage

— the destruction of institutions of state control (reduction of police and business control, under the pretext of their corruption, cancellation, statements of teachers at the school, the actual lack of control over unjustified increase in prices, etc., etc.)

and also: — “youth in government”

— “alternative view of history”

— “don’t disturb the artist”, “do not meddle in the creative process,” etc., etc.

Savvy experts, bloggers and journalists, describing their observations and giving their examples of moral murder, have a thousand articles, reviews, statements to contribute to the awareness and recognition of people of this trouble. The government must declare what he knows about the Moral murder and related bloody practice of the USA and will no longer treat this as a “conspiracy theory”.

“Work, brethren!”

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