Home / Incredible / The ancient remains of a murdered child found in Central America

The ancient remains of a murdered child found in Central America

Древние останки убитого ребенка нашли в Центральной АмерикеIn the cave of Belize for the time studies in total were discovered more than eight hundred human remains.

Scientists have found ancient remains of a murdered child in the cave, Belize located in Central America.

This was reported by Western news media with reference to the University of California in Los Angeles.

The researchers stressed that sacrifice in the civilizations that lived in North America and Mexico were commonplace. This method ancient people brought the rites to the gods and asked them to bring a good harvest and prey on the hunt. Some tribes could sacrifice even infants.

In the cave of Belize for the time studies in total were discovered more than eight hundred human remains. Most of them belonged to children under the age of fourteen years. According to experts, all the bones had traces of stab wounds that were inflicted in the process of sacrifice. Most likely the life of a child was given the ancient God Chaac, who has given the people good weather and well-being.

The bones, discovered in a cave Belize, belonged to the people of the Mayan civilization. They inhabited the vast American continent in the period from 2500 to 1500 years BC. The descendants of the Mayans live in these regions to this day. Despite the huge heritage, much of the information about this civilization is irretrievably lost.

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