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The ancient mummies discovered antibiotic resistance

У древних мумий обнаружена устойчивость к антибиотикамIn the gut of the ancient mummies found antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Scientists have discovered genes multiple resistance to antibacterial drugs in the intestinal microflora mummified people who died long before the era of antibiotics.

The results of the researchers ‘ work was presented at the annual meeting of the American society for Microbiology ASM Microbe 2016 in Boston.

In the course of research scientists have conducted metagenomic analysis of the remains seven intestinal contents of mummies of the Incas and Italians, lived in the X–XVIII century. Scholars interested in sequences that match genes of antibiotic resistance to the bacteria.

Scientists discovered in the mummified material by many factors of antibiotic resistance. Most of them met betalactamases four classes, which provides resistance to penicillin and drugs of similar structure, 30 factors of resistance to tetracycline, including bringing them out of cells, protein pumps, protection of ribosomes and inactivating enzymes, and several genes resistant to vancomycin.

The data obtained by researchers, indicate that resistance to antibiotikam appeared long before their widespread use. In addition, researchers believe that the intestinal microbiome is a reservoir of genes for antibiotic resistance in humans.

However, according to one of the authors of the study, the antibiotic resistance among the ancient people is quite logical, since most of them were created on the basis of natural compounds.

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