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Ten bad habits that prevent you to sleep

Десять вредных привычек, которые мешают вам выспаться10 worst things you can do before you go to bed.

Sleep well – a wish of most people, but sometimes you toss and turn and Wake up in the morning cranky and in a bad mood.

Experts advise not to do these things before bed, if you want a quiet night.

What’s wrong you can do before you go to bed

1. To take medication.

Avoid nasal remedies and medications for colds and flu that contain pseudoephedrine. This drug works as caffeine.

2. To sleep in the same room with Pets.

53% of pet owners say that their Pets disturb their sleep. Scratching, snoring and barking disturb sleep.

3. Consume caffeine.

It is a stimulant of the nervous system. Even 6 hours before bedtime caffeine can affect sleep. After dinner instead of coffee or energy drinks, choose a tea of chamomile or lemon balm.

4. To sit in social networks.

The hours you spend in the Internet, fly fast. In addition, the light emitted from electronic devices violate circadian rhythms.

5. To drink alcohol for the night.

Drinking alcohol will definitely help you to fall asleep, but studies show that the second half of the night will not be so pleasant.

6. Eat a lot of salt.

Don’t eat pizza, salted nuts and crisps at night. Salty foods make you drink more. Then you will Wake up to go to the toilet.

7. To quarrel.

Do not quarrel with your boyfriend or girlfriend at night. So you get upset and lose sleep. Things look much more rosy this morning.

8. Not to open the window.

Open the bedroom window, turn off the heater as soon as you jump into bed. Better to get up at night and hide another blanket at night.

9. To watch horror movies.

Not watching a scary movie or read a Thriller about vampires. Better view English melodrama.

10. Overeating.

A lot of food before sleep is a bad idea. The process of digestion consumes a lot of energy.

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