Home / Medicine / Stomach problems can be eliminate these simple exercises

Stomach problems can be eliminate these simple exercises

Проблемы с желудком можно устранить этими несложными упражнениямиThere are quite simple exercises that effectively help to avoid stomach problems.

There are several exercises, doing that you can avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, to improve their condition in functional dyspepsia. In order to be visible, you need
to do gymnastics for the internal organs 3-5 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

The ideal – to do it immediately after waking up, before Breakfast. The exercises that we present, we need to do with relaxing the abdominal muscles, trying to breathe through the belly (breath – belly stick out, at the end of the exhale – pull).

The plow

Staying in bed, drink a glass of warm water, raise your legs up so that the pelvis was in an inverted position. In the position “the plow” legs can rest against the wall. This exercise will allow due to the outflow of blood from the pelvis to strengthen the intestinal peristalsis, relieve constipation, haemorrhoids and menstrual disorders.


It can be done is “plough”. Drink a glass of water, sit down and walk squatting for 1-2 minutes. This will make the “external” massage of the intestine. At the same time significantly aktiviziruyutsya the activity of the organs of the abdominal cavity. This massage will start the intestine for the day ahead, speed up all metabolic processes in the body.


Place your feet shoulder width of the pelvis, hands on knees fingers out and rested on her hips, supporting the weight of the body. You need to drag and bulging belly with a maximum amplitude of 10-15 times. This exercise will improve the functioning of the abdominal organs, support the tone of the abdominal muscles, normalizes functions of the gastrointestinal tract, will accelerate the process of metabolism.

Pulling up legs

Lying on your back, stretch your arms in front of chest, palms facing one another. Inhale, bend your right leg at the knee and across the side pull it to the stomach. Attach right leg to the bend of the left arm and strong hands press the right thigh to the torso. At the same time lift the left leg. Keep this position during breath hold (5-10 seconds) and exhale.

The same exercise should be repeated with the left foot, then with both feet at once. Follow each stage of the exercise 5-8 times. This will allow to intensify the work of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, spleen, descending colon. You will be able to overcome flatulence and constipation, and normalize acid-base balance of gastric juice, improve the General condition of neurasthenia, will remove fat deposits in the abdominal area.


Sitting on the buttocks, straighten your legs. Then tighten to a stomach, right leg, turning body the right. Follow for 8 crunches to each side.
When performing this exercise aktiviziruyutsya, primarily the liver, gallbladder, ascending colon, stomach, pancreas, spleen, descending colon.

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