Home / Incredible / Stephen Hawking called black hole gate to the alternate Universe

Stephen Hawking called black hole gate to the alternate Universe

Стивен Хокинг назвал чёрные дыры вратами в альтернативную ВселеннуюThe famous British astrophysicist and theoretician Stephen Hawking has made a new assumption about black holes.

It turned out that black holes absorb information permanently and not allow her to go outside by the fountains.

So the scientist suggested that this could be the gateway to another Universe.

The corresponding statement was made by the British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking in his new work.

If the theory of Hawking, which was approved by his colleagues is correct, then it will solve the issue of one of the main paradoxes. Scientist refutes the theory that everything that falls into a black hole disappears in it permanently and completely.

“Black hole is not eternal prison, as previously thought. If you feel that you are trapped in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out,” he said.

According to his theory, black holes no escape our world, to the starting point: the subject will be in some other alternative space.

We offer our readers to see what would happen in the event of a collision of two black holes.

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