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Started a new simulated mission to Mars

Стартовала новая моделируемая миссия на Марс On 24 September, the crew members of mission Mars 80 from France, Japan, Russia, Australia, India and Canada begin work on the research of the Mars Desert station (MDRS) in the desert in Utah.

Seven researchers are going to start the 80-day simulated mission to Mars.

The team will conduct research in Geology, Microbiology and paleontology in terms of the same pressures and constraints that exist on Mars in reality. Crew members will also check the technology of space suits and other devices, which could help mankind to get a foothold on the red planet, said representatives of the Mars Society.

For example, researchers Mars 80 will clean your clothes and subjected to a vacuum environment, without the use of water, soap and chemicals. Mars 80 is the first half of a larger 160 Mars mission. The second half will be held next summer at the research station, Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) on Devon island in Northern Canada.

The same basic crew members will perform the same exploration work, and will also attempt to measure the usefulness of fictitious missions to Mars at both locations.

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