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Stars explode due to dark matter, scientists

Звезды взрываются из-за темной материи, - ученыеScientists have made new discoveries about dark matter.

Scientists have said that concentrations of dark matter that pass through the cores of white dwarfs, can destabilize them and “blow up”, turning into a thermonuclear bomb. The research results were published in the journal Physical Review D. According to researchers, in the Universe there are so called primordial black holes, which arise due to the formation of particularly large “balls” of dark matter.

Such black holes could fly through the stars, not destroying them, and causing “Zvezdochetova”. Now, researchers decided to find out what happens to white dwarf, if it flies through a small black hole with a mass from 100 to a million trillion trillion tons.

Such a black holes mass comparable with the weight of large asteroids and medium-size satellites. According to the findings of scientists, the flight of the black hole through the center of the white dwarf will result in heating up of matter and the creation of conditions similar to those that arise in larger stars during their transformation into supernova. The result will be thermonuclear explosion of matter to the white dwarf heats up and it will shrink to such an extent that all the electrons will begin to merge with protons, helium nuclei and other heavy elements – with each other.

It is worth noting that with the black hole, nothing happens, it just fly through the star. Earlier it was reported that scientists have developed “escape plan” information from a black hole, which would not have violated all laws of classical and quantum physics, and talked about how such an experiment could be conducted in practice. It will require the astronaut, who will be at the “event horizon”, the electron, which it will hold, and information about direction of movement (back) of the black hole. Measuring the spin of black holes and what are the properties of light particles generated by Hawking radiation, astronaut “releases” electron beyond the event horizon.

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