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Smartphone prevents a person to work productively

Смартфон мешает человеку продуктивно работатьScientists have found that without a smartphone people to cope with the tasks better.

Smartphone prevents a person from concentrating on work duties, which he is working less productively than without using the device. To this conclusion came the experts working at Kaspersky Lab.

As it turned out, the device reduces efficiency in the workplace by as much as 26%. And despite the fact that in some cases, the gadget only helps to solve important business problems, experts are confident that much better work without it.

This is the conclusion the researchers came after the experiment with 95 volunteers under the age of 56 years on campus the Nottingham and würzburg.

Each participant test were asked to perform the tasks, gradually moving away from their smartphone. In the end, the farther was the owner from your gadget, the more productive he was working.

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