Home / Medicine / Sleep naked – good: 4 reasons to sleep naked

Sleep naked – good: 4 reasons to sleep naked

Спать голым - полезно: 4 причины спать нагишомAs it turned out, sleeping naked is extremely good for health.

One idea to sleep naked, surprises you and makes you feel embarrassed? There is nothing strange and judgmental, so sleep without any clothes brings a lot of benefits – and not just for health.

Why you should sleep naked – we offer you four of the most convincing arguments.

1. Increasing self-esteem. Sleep naked will allow you to get rid of your inhibitions and accept your body with all its advantages and disadvantages. You stop hiding behind the beautiful clothes and, thus, improve self-esteem and body awareness. You’ll love it again and open it features, which you had not noticed.

2. Sexual life improvement. Woman sleeping Nude, perceived their partner more sexy and open. Scientists have long proven that couples who sleep together without clothes, more satisfied with their relationships. In addition, sleeping naked reduces the risk of Contracting intimate infections in women and in men, improves sperm quality (protects from overheating of the testicles and effects of too high temperature), and this, in turn, increases sexual desire.

3. Slowing aging. High body temperature during sleep significantly reduces melatonin production in the body and growth hormone, which is responsible for skin regeneration at night and slow down aging. Therefore, we are more likely to naturally refresh skin, if not let her overheating at night. Nude skin after a day under layers of clothing can finally “breathe”. Thus, also decreases the risk of fungal infections.

4. Comfort. Clothing in a dream lets move. How many times have it happened that you woke up due to the fact that the shirt is too tight, the straps constantly fall off shirts or pajamas too warm? Falling asleep every night in the Nude, you won’t have to worry about such inconveniences.

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