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Six habits that harm the kidneys

Шесть привычек, которые наносят вред почкамBecame known, some habits can harm the kidneys.

Kidney is an efficient, highly organized incredible cleaning machine.

That’s why it’s so important to maintain their health and from time to time to check on him.

To prevent problems, you should better understand which habits can harm your kidneys. We will tell you how your behavior can affect the kidneys work and how you can take care of them.

You put off going to the toilet

To keep urine in the bladder is a bad idea. According to experts filled bladder may have an adverse effect on the kidney. If the urine stays in the bladder, bacteria multiply rapidly. This urine can go “upstream” in the ureters and kidneys, and harmful substances will lead to infection of the kidneys and urinary tract, uremia, and nephritis. If you have the urge to urinate, you should not hold back.

Almost everyone time one was doing it. People postpone going to the toilet for various reasons. For example, due to the lack of restroom nearby or due to busy at work. However, there is a limit to how long you can hold it in.

Due to excess urine in the bladder can occur and complications associated with the urinary tract, including hypertrophy. Hypertrophy increases the pressure on the kidneys. In addition, there may be other health problems. So never ignore the call of nature.

You eat too much salt

Experts recommend not to consume too much salt, the daily amount is not more than 5.8 g of Salt – is the main source of sodium, so many people don’t understand how salt can hurt. The main reason is that sodium complicates the work of the kidneys. If in the blood too much sodium, the body needs to remove it. It loads the kidney and leads to a number of problems. So, during cooking, or add less salt or no salt it.

You eat too much meat

A diet high in protein is also harmful for the kidneys. The digestion of protein is accompanied by formation of ammonia is a dangerous toxin that can damage the kidneys. When you eat a lot of meat, the risk of kidney damage greatly increases. In addition, the kidney and prevents the fat contained in meat. So try to limit the use of proteins of animal origin or replace them with proteins of vegetable origin.

You drink soda

All kinds of soda is harmful to health. Modern people often drink soda, which can lead to various diseases of the kidneys. Experts recommend avoiding carbonated beverages or limit their use. In the long run, the soda will turn to kidney stones or chronic illness. Additionally, some sodas contain a number of harmful substances that harm your body. These substances can disrupt the liver, pancreas and even the immune system.

You lead a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health. Don’t sit for too long. In addition to the General negative effect of a sedentary lifestyle adversely affects the kidneys. Make small changes to your lifestyle, and you will avoid many diseases, including infections of the urinary system.

For example, every morning walk or climb the stairs instead of the Elevator. Approach this task creatively and add to the rules something new, not to put pressure on the kidneys.

Are you drinking enough water

It is important to understand that it is necessary to supply water to the kidneys. And for this you need to make sure that the kidneys healthy. If you drink enough, the toxins accumulate in the blood. In addition, when the shortage of the liquid is disturbed the drainage of the kidneys, which can lead to diseases of the urinary tract.

Experts believe that every day you should drink at least 8 glasses of water. Test yourself simple: the lighter the urine the better.

Many people understand how important it is to drink enough water. But even in this case, they can miscalculate and drink a little. And in the future it may lead to various diseases of the urinary system.

Often it’s hard to drink 8 glasses of water, in this case, you can replace it with other drinks such as juices or water with lemon. These drinks are not only tasty, but healthier.

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