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Doctors told how to maintain kidney health

Врачи рассказали, как сохранить здоровье почек Five tips from the doctors.

1. Kidneys like dry warm air. In the warmth expands the blood vessels of the kidneys. Their blood supply improves. But especially helpful dry heat. The fact that in such circumstances, the person begins to sweat intensely. Then displays some harmful substances which normally are excreted by the kidneys. For example, the end products of nitrogen metabolism in the body. And the load on the kidneys is reduced. Renal climatological resort is a location with hot and dry climate, where many people sweating. For the kidneys it is very useful to bathe. Especially useful for dry steam room with sauna.

2. Healthy kidneys I love that the person drank a large enough amount of water . If no swelling (hidden or overt), no renal or cardiac insufficiency, it is necessary to drink at least 2 litres a day. Excess water the kidneys excrete urine. And they will display along with extra water all the harmful substances which need to be removed. And if the water consumed is not enough, then the kidneys have to keep in the body to save. Urine is formed less. And to output a large number of harmful substances, the urine have concentrated. It’s harder for the kidneys.

3. Kidneys like, of course, clean water. If the water is contaminated, then the kidneys have to remove urine not only toxic substances, trapped with food and formed in the body, but also the harmful substances contained in most drinking water. This again is an extra burden. So it is necessary to use clean water or clean it.

4. Buds love foods and medicinal plants that have a slight diuretic and urinary tract disinfectant action. It — watermelon, cucumbers, parsley, dill, celery, rosehip, birch SAP, wild strawberry, strawberry leaf and more.

5. Kidneys like horizontal position of the body. If they improves blood circulation. It may be, has no special value for the healthy kidney, but you have to consider if the kidney is not okay. If not quite a healthy kidneys have more to lie. Desirable daily rest in a horizontal position.

I don’t like kidneys?

1. Kidneys do not like the cold. It is dangerous to sit on something cold and damp on the stone on the damp ground. By the way, for this reason, kidney disease often occurs in hikers, climbers, fishermen, sleeping in cold conditions. It is dangerous to stay long in cold water. Before and after the stay in the cold water need to warm up to the kidneys do not have time to hypothermia. Dangerous in General, and in the elderly especially in the cold season to wear fashionable short jacket, women — to go to the light skirts with thin tights. Better warm pants.

2. Kidneys do not like large amounts of salt in the diet. Because the kidneys have excessive salt output. Better food insufficient salting. Salt is not regular, but as a celebratory meal.

3. Kidneys do not like protein animal food. Because proteins are not stored and not broken down to carbon dioxide and water as carbohydrates and fats. Excessive proteins are split with the formation of end products of nitrogenous disintegration: creatinine, urea, uric acid, which is unsound and must be removed by the kidneys. So fashion now protein diet for weight loss is a blow to the kidneys. And this is one reason why we should not overindulge in meat products.

4. Kidneys do not like alcohol abuse. If the kidney is not okay – be careful. By the way, in individuals who abuse alcohol much more often the cancer of the bladder.

5. The kidneys are chronic foci of infection. Because they provide constant, even slight intoxication, and the kidneys must eliminate toxic substances. In addition, germs from these lesions may get into the blood. And then in the kidneys. And cause inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. Streptococcal infections – sore throats, chronic tonsillitis, caries can cause severe kidney disease – glomerulonephritis. Therefore, dental caries, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis should be treated.

Thus, knowing that for kidney beneficial and what is harmful, it is possible to retain these organs in good condition, despite not the best conditions of our modern life.

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