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Simple rules of prevention of diseases of the pancreas

Несложные правила профилактики заболеваний поджелудочной железы Healthy lifestyle better than a permanent cure.

The pancreas is very important organ that performs both digestive and hormonal functions. Remember, the pancreas is virtually impossible to restore. Take care of it promptly! To preserve the health of this body, follow these rules.

Follow the diet (for this you need to teach a person from childhood). When we eat, when we do, and not during certain hours, the digestive system cannot work.

This will certainly result in the biliary dyskinesia, as for the normal flow of bile is necessary that the body regularly received animal and vegetable fats. And if you have dyskinesia, then three months later to join her, and pancreatitis.

Eat small meals, not mixing in one meal a large number of different products. Mix proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you put the pancreas in a quandary: which enzyme to produce?

Such chaos in the diet leads to a complete imbalance of the body which, in the end, refuses to produce any enzymes. Especially avoid the combination of fats and carbohydrates: cakes with cream and potatoes or pasta with grilled meats. Also, remember that milk, kefir, yogurt should be consumed as a separate meal, not mixing them with any other products. On the digestion of dairy products requires a very special enzymes.

Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach! That you cause irreparable harm to the pancreas. If you can’t give up coffee, drink more cups a day after a light Breakfast and always with sugar! In no case do not drink instant coffee is a real poison for the pancreas.

Products containing coarse fiber, consume moderately. So, for example, stored all winter, carrots, beets, cabbage, apples, it is desirable to braise or bake.

Periodically arrange fasting days. If you feel that you have overloaded the stomach – take a gastronomic pause. A couple of days and eat simple food. For example, for lunch vegetable soup with sour cream for dinner – cottage cheese with fruit. And no entertainment during unloading!

Keep yourself all the time under strict diet is difficult: if something is constantly deny, “break”, and then the pancreas will not be good. It is much better to afford a little something, but periodically have a discharge (especially after the holidays, with abundant feasts).

Eat only in a relaxed state. If during the meal to get nervous and worry, instead of digestive enzymes the pancreas concentrate on producing hormones. As a result food is not digested, but sugar level in the blood rises.

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