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Sex and excess weight: do they interfere with each other

Секс и лишний вес: мешают ли они друг другуMost sexologists claim that the extra pounds lead to a reduction in the desire to have sex.

German scientists conducted a number of sociological studies to know how weight affects a person’s ability to experience sexual desire and sexual satisfaction. They aim to break the stereotype that sex is only fun for women and men of model appearance with ideal parameters.

During the experiment the researchers came to quite interesting conclusions.

In particular, they found that skinny Europeans have more sex than those who have excess of your. In addition, in the magnificence of the disaster women less sexual fantasies. This is because the hormone libido, testosterone, due to the effect of fat gradually is transformed into other hormones – estrogens.

Overweight has little effect on how people evaluate themselves from a sexual point of view. Many are full of people this self-esteem is really low, but the same doubts experience a and many people of normal physique. To a greater degree of sexual self-esteem is associated with how the person treated as a child: if he was surrounded by love, he in adulthood will be confident in all senses.

In the case of weight loss, a person begins to more actively engage in sex.

Sexologists say that women who are overweight impaired sensitivity of the vagina, making them less passionate and emotional than girls with a healthy weight.

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