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11 scientists dispel popular myths about sex

Ученые развеяли 11 популярных мифов о сексеSex is one of those topics where a “happily deceived.”

In the world there is another topic around which there would be so many myths and incorrect stereotypes, as in the case of sex.

We present the 11 most common myths on the subject.

1. Sex the only goal is an orgasm
At the time, as in the collective consciousness there is the belief that every sexual act must end in mutual orgasm, experts note that is really important is not only achieving this goal but the road leading to it. Many people, especially women, have trouble achieving satisfaction is because of too much concentration on it. Sexologists and sexotravesti recommended to relax and to enjoy the closeness and intimacy, so that even the lack of orgasm will not spoil the pleasure of sex.

2. Most women experience multiple orgasms
This is one of the myths created by pop culture and pornography. In fact, only a narrow circle of women to experience multiple orgasms. The rest are either not able or not want (clitoris and vagina of many women after reaching the meet become very sensitive, so that further stimulation only causes discomfort).

3. Men think about sex every seven seconds
If in fact it was, men wouldn’t have quite time to do anything else, because just one day they would have to think about that about 7,200 times. Meanwhile, last year’s study of scientists from Ohio University, show that although men actually often think about bed games than women, but this has nothing to do with this common misconception. Yes, indeed, men think about sex on average 19 times per day, while the ladies almost two times less (10).

4. All women orgasm
This is not so. Some women suffer from so-called anorgasmia, that is a painful disorder of the orgasm. This means that they are unable to achieve satisfaction during sexual intercourse. However, this does not mean that they do not get pleasure from sex in General.

5. The male foot and the penis
There is a perception that the size of manhood is inextricably linked to the size of men’s feet. Meanwhile, a study conducted in 2002 at the University of London, showed an absolute lack of communication with one another. This was confirmed by a subsequent study by canadian scientists which proved that the growth of men does not affect the size of his penis.

6. Women is available only vaginal orgasm
Wrong again. Most women (about 70%) to achieve orgasm need clitoral stimulation. Thus a woman reaches clitoral orgasm. And even vaginal orgasm, how to convince the experts, depends in most cases from the simultaneous stimulation of the vagina (the famous G-spot) and clitoris.

7. He always finishes first
It’s a widespread and quite popular belief. Meanwhile, the woman also can finish first, and it’s only a matter of proper stimulation. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about stimulation of the vagina, but in particular on foreplay and clitoral stimulation. In addition, sexologists urge the partners to inform each other about what they like and how they can help them to achieve satisfaction. In some cases, even recommend to ask your partner to “wait” a partner for simultaneous climax.

8. Simulation orgasm – is this normal
In short: no, this is not normal. Sexologists and texterity have a clear position: couples must know each other, including in bed. To talk about what and why they like and what not. To try new things and check what is yielding the desired results. The only way to achieve mutual pleasure from sex. To portray orgasms and avoid radical solutions to the problems is not the solution because in the long term, sex in a pair will become unbearable and negatively impact on relationships between partners.

9. Sex is supposed to look like on TV
Sex is never to look like that, because the TV passes it to an idealized and selective way. Unfortunately, the influence of TV on sexual awareness is huge, and many of them have serious complexes because of the fact that their bed experience does not match what they see in TV shows, films or movies for adults.

10. The condom is the enemy of successful sex
We often hear the opinion that “the condom kills the pleasure of sex.” Meanwhile, experts from this area show that if at all such a situation occurs, it is usually caused by selecting the wrong type of condom or a condom of the wrong size. Specialists, on the contrary, unanimously advised to use condoms since they are the vast majority of cases eliminate the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy.

11. The more sex, the better
New pop culture gave us another myth that is completely at odds with reality. The quality of sex and get pleasure from it is a question of purely individual and there is no correlation with the time of sexual intercourse. Of course, phenomena such as premature ejaculation, can lead to violations of the sexual life, nevertheless, research scientists at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) show that duration of sexual intercourse and satisfaction from him no communication. Subjects showed that the recognized satisfactory sexual intercourse duration from three to thirteen minutes. Moreover, it is also incorrect assumption that only women are concerned with the duration of intimate relations. In fact, the percentage of men and women prefer the constant as well as short-term relationships, approximately the same and depends on personal preferences

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