Home / Incredible / Severe flooding will wash Europe in the coming decades, scientists

Severe flooding will wash Europe in the coming decades, scientists

Мощные наводнения смоют Европу в ближайшие десятилетия, - ученыеThe speed of lifting of level of World ocean waters twice the expected.

World ocean raises the level of its waters two times faster than previously thought oceanographers.

To this conclusion came the American NASA experts.

The climate of the planet, according to scientists the US, base changes in the direction of its warming, which leads to accelerated melting of ice, and, hence, increase of level of World ocean.

Moreover, the trend of raising significantly higher than that previously assumed. Such a disappointing conclusion studies conducted at NASA.

A more rapid rise in the oceans will inevitably lead to the increase in the number of floods. But it is not the worst consequence of this phenomenon.

If not stopped, will completely disappear, the number of cities that are located in the coastal zone and at low altitudes(much of Western, Central and Eastern Europe). But this negativity will not stop.

Can be destroyed a number of dams that were built without taking into account a significant increase in the level of water pressure on the surface.

And then not to do without a large number of victims among the population of territories which can be inevitably flooded. Mankind came out of the water.

Scientists do not rule out the continuation of his life will also be associated with placement in this element. At the same time, the oceans up to the present time poorly understood.

It is not homogeneous, has different depths and temperature of its waters. Even the most modern technologies, used by researchers do not allow at the present time to calculate the consequences, which will cause the elevated levels.

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