Home / Incredible / Search for life on Mars will be using military technology

Search for life on Mars will be using military technology

Искать жизнь на Марсе будут с помощью военных технологийThe tool will also be able to determine the size and age of organic substances, which are able to detect

New tool Bio-Indicator Lidar Instrument (BILI) will help scientists look for traces of life on Mars and other planets of the Solar system.

BILI is a new tool, the so-called lidar, which is developed based on military technology. The us military uses it for remote analysis of air. Technology helps to identify potentially life-threatening chemicals, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. Method decided to apply to study the atmosphere of other planets. In particular, space Agency NASA plans to use it on Mars.

Lidar installed on the mast of the Rover. It will scan the area. Find dust stream BILI will send a pulses using ultraviolet lasers. They will cause the dust to fluoresce. Analysis of this radiation will allow us to determine whether dust particles of organic matter. The tool will also be able to determine the size and age of organic substances, which are able to detect.

The operating principle of lidar is similar to radar but instead of radio waves it uses light. It is reported that the new tool is able to analyze from a distance of hundreds of meters. This will allow you to explore the most enigmatic regions of Mars where the Rovers can’t get into.

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