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Seagate has created the world’s fastest hard drives

Seagate создала самые быстрые в мире жесткие диски Seagate released BarraCuda Mobile device with a capacity of 5 TB and FireCuda 2 TB.

Hard drives are distinguished by their practicality, and rapidity.

Two options BarraCuda Mobile: 7-mm, and 15 mm thick – external hard drive. The main difference is mobility to use. FireCuda 2 Bytovym hard drive and 8 Bytovoy memory, and firmware Seagate is quick and compact, allowing you to quickly upload the necessary information, programs, applications.

The existing plate to reduce energy costs without compromising performance, and the application Multi-Tier Caching monitors the correction of FireCuda and boot the system.

For the first time in practice of the use of such devices guarantee the first BarraCuda Mobile and FireCuda is five years instead of the standard two.

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