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Scientists will learn to grow new skin

Ученые научатся выращивать новую кожуScientists from the United States had developed a method by which we can calculate to what extent you can stretch the human skin.

Thanks to it will be possible to grow new skin for those who have suffered from burns.

According to guy Herman, assistant Professor at the University of Bingamton in new York, surgeons use various technologies to grow the skin expansion tissue. They are necessary in order that the skin grown in one area of the skin, thus it can be grafted on the other.

This procedure stretches the skin, is commonly used because the balloon with air or silicone over the surface. Skin grows better in those places where stretched, for example during pregnancy. However, if you stretch it too much, tissue can be damaged. In the study, given that the skin is smooth and there are no cracks, the scientists studied how the “hardness” of the skin depends on its content of water. They found that dry skin is more fragile.

They then used advanced settings image processing to track, how to deform the skin and stretching, given its structure.

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