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Scientists warn about the approach of the new Chernobyl

Ученые предупреждают о приближении нового ЧернобыляThe researchers analyzed data from more than 200 nuclear accidents around the world.

Scientists from the University of Sussex claim that our planet could face another accident similar to that which previously occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

As stated by the experts, they studied more than 200 nuclear accidents. The researchers analyzed a variety of documents on major accidents and minor incidents at nuclear reactors. This study showed that the disaster at the nuclear reactors may be even more than 1-2 times in a century. And such accidents, as the accident at Three Mile island in USA in 1979, can be repeated even more often than once in 10-20 years.

According to the scientists who conducted this study used the now-standard methodology of accident forecasting is not working. They believe that the International atomic energy Agency must develop a new scale for the prediction of accidents and incidents.

No less important, experts say, is to develop a more effective protection system of nuclear reactors, which would allow to avoid new accidents.

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