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Scientists understand why the search for aliens in what have not resulted

Ученые поняли, почему поиски инопланетян ни к чему не привелиNo civilization can achieve the era of interstellar travel because of the thrust towards self-destruction.

From Manchester physicist Brian Cox said that the mankind still have not found the aliens due to the fact that they were extinct. According to the researcher, all civilizations share a desire for self-destruction, so nobody can reach the era of interstellar travel.

The first paradox that mankind can not find the aliens, said Enrico Fermi. He said that we have many arguments in favor of the fact that in the Universe there must be a lot of aliens, but, at the same time, there are no observations that directly confirm this.

Therefore, any observation of inaccurate or ideas of mankind about nature is wrong. Cox attempted to resolve the Fermi paradox, put forward the theory that once a civilization gets the technical capabilities to self-destruct (for example, weapons of mass destruction), as the sole condition for its survival becomes a political agreement, the days of this civilization are numbered.

Such a civilization can not survive until the day when its technology will allow it to make interstellar flights. According to Cox, mankind is on this same path of development and is approaching the point of self-destruction. Previously, Edward Snowden said that humans can not decipher the code messages of the aliens.

Broadcast on American television, he said that the universe is so interested in protecting communications that an alien signal might just be too well encrypted. Therefore, humans can’t distinguish it from ambient noise.

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