Home / Incredible / Scientists said that Stonehenge could be a cemetery

Scientists said that Stonehenge could be a cemetery

Ученые заявили, что Стоунхендж вполне мог быть кладбищемA new version of Stonehenge.

It is possible that the known construction of Stonehenge was used by ancient people as burial sites.

The scientists, led by Professor mark Parker of University College London, discovered near the stone circle the remains of 27 individuals buried in the 3100 and 2600 BC. All of them were located in the sandy holes of the trilithons.

Unfortunately, to prove their theory, archaeologists can not yet. Today, there are several versions of who and why built Stonehenge. It is assumed that it could be used as a temple, a cemetery, the landing site of aliens and even a musical instrument.

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