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Scientists presented the “mathematical universe”

Ученые представили «математическую вселенную»Work on the creation of LMFDB was conducted in 2007.

Scientists from the U.S., Germany and Britain formally submitted a draft LMFDB (L-functions and Modular Forms Database), uniting in a common directory most occurring in the theory of numbers of objects.

The project is devoted to L-functions, elliptic curves and modular forms. Scientists have classified more than 20 million mathematical objects of the theory of numbers. In addition to the database, the LMFDB project includes an imaging system, reference and historical information, as well as efficient search and open source code used in the project.

Ученые представили «математическую вселенную»
Ученые представили «математическую вселенную»

In the creation of a unified database was attended by 80 mathematicians from 12 countries. Experts have coordinated their efforts to develop new algorithms and perform calculations on computers. The calculations of mathematicians a regular computer would be able to produce approximately a thousand years.

Work on the creation of LMFDB was conducted in 2007. Currently, more than one hundred scientific articles referring to the project. LMFDB allows us to classify most of the objects encountered in the theory of numbers, and to find the relationship between them.

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