Home / Incredible / Scientists on Svalbard have found the bones of an unknown sea dinosaur

Scientists on Svalbard have found the bones of an unknown sea dinosaur

Ученые на Шпицбергене нашли кости неизвестного морского динозавраNorwegian archaeologists discovered the remains of an unknown sea dinosaur.

Paleontologists from Norway found in Svalbard marine dinosaur bones belonging to a previously unknown species.

According to experts, this beast was far more dangerous than t-Rex.

Scientist Jorn hurum and his collaborators found in the archipelago of almost 800 kilos of bones, among whom was the jaw of an unknown animal. Paleontologists suggest that it had features like the dinosaur and the giant fish, which has prompted experts to the idea that they are faced with a completely new kind. He received the name of Omphalosaurus.

Norwegian publications write that the representative of pliosaurs have a unique spherical teeth. It is likely that this monster was the most frightening of all of their relatives. His remains, scientists have decided to send in the natural history Museum of Oslo.

A little earlier, Russian scientists found on the territory of the Kemerovo region previously unknown species of dinosaurs. Prehistoric animal reached a length of 20 meters, and weighed about 50 tons.

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