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Scientists On Earth began a new wave of extinction

On Earth began the sixth wave of extinction. And a new wave of extinction is fundamentally different from the previous speed of species extinction, reports Vesti.ru.

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Researchers from Stanford University announced that the Earth stands on the brink of another, the sixth global extinction of species. While scientists emphasize that we are not talking about the threat from the distant future, but about the process that has already begun and is in full swing.

A group of researchers led by the Paul Ehrlich conducted a thorough analysis of statistical data and warned that for the preservation of threatened species, populations and habitats will require a lot of effort, and the opportunity to correct the situation quickly closes.

A new wave of extinction and causing pollution of the waters of the oceans and the mass killings of large animals.

The process of extinction will primarily affect large animals like great white sharks and blue whales. The disappearance of the inhabitants of the ocean will provoke critical changes in all ecosystems that will be visible over the next few million years.


According to scientists, the extinction of species will differ slightly from the previous one.

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Ученые: На Земле началась новая волна вымирания


A new study, whose results are given in the article of the journal Science Advances showed that even at very conservative estimates, the modern species are disappearing is about 100 times faster than normal rate between mass extinctions.

In the new global extinctions, blame the people who kill the biggest inhabitants of the oceans, and pollute its waters. However, scientists believe that the sixth extinction can still be avoided if you actively engage in the creation of protected areas.

One such reserve has been previously established in the Hawaiian Islands by order of President Barack Obama.

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