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Scientists: nostalgia makes life better

Ученые: ностальгия делает жизнь лучшеThe feeling of nostalgia has a positive effect both on women and on men.

American scientists made a new discovery about the influence of nostalgia on the human existence.

As it turned out, this sense is able to significantly improve the quality of life in psychological aspect.

Nostalgia from time to time subject to every person, it can awaken the taste, aroma, sound, image, which impel him to pleasant memories of the past. Most of them are associated with events that brought the person joy.

During the study experts found that nostalgic thoughts and emotions also improve mood. During the experiment, the participants inhaled the odors of returning them to the past, then they started to look at things more optimistic.

In addition, this sense helps a person to look at himself through different eyes, that is, to place increasing self-esteem.

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