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Scientists learned to read thoughts of a person

Ученые научились читать мысли человека Chinese neuroscientists through the analysis of the cerebral cortex were able to read a person’s thoughts.

Analyzing the activity of the cerebral cortex Chinese neuroscientists were able to read a person’s thoughts. Feature development is the ability to interpret the read information into sounds.

The principle of operation of the apparatus is in the analysis of brain activity and its subsequent interpretation. The main difficulty faced by professionals, compares electrical signals of the brain and their corresponding concepts and words.

The team successfully engaged in the learning machine using the method of pronouncing the words in the thinking process. Application of this approach allows the device to successfully decode brain activity, but its speed still leaves much to be desired.

The current version allows you to decrypt to spell and pronounce several words per minute. The achieved speed is not limiting and can be upgraded several times to improve the neural interfaces or by direct connection to the person.

Unique design, transforming the electrical signals of the brain in words and sounds opens up new possibilities for the voiceless and paralyzed people.

Although for the successful operation of the machine requires special training of the patient in methods of thinking, its application in some cases is the only opportunity to communicate with others.Go

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